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  • Blotter updated: 2015-09-02 Show/Hide Show All

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6 No. 6 ID: d27172
This is the /wri/ter's workshop, where you can share stories, pitch ideas, discuss techniques, and generally work on improving your writing, and hopefully get published (ha ha yeah fucking right). Creative writing of any kind is welcome, but first, here's a few rules:

1. Don't promote/advertise your shitty self-published print-on-demand novels here or anywhere else. They're no better than xeroxing your shit. This board is for learning.

2. Constructive criticism means criticizing CONSTRUCTIVELY. Comments like "this is fcking gay" will be deleted. Be unrelenting, but you better make sure what you say will help someone write better. On the flip side, if your work is criticized and you reply with "you guys just don't get my art" without logically explaining what they don't understand, I WILL ban you.

3. We have a char limit of 20,000. Prepare for your formatting to get fucked with.

4. Don't get upset because someone trashes what you write. This happens in the real world; I've done it and I've had others do it to my work. Any advice that doesn't piss you off isn't advice you should be listening to.

5. Please please please be honest when critiquing work. It doesn't help a soul to be nice about someone's writing. It's better to be an asshole than a sweetheart.
>> No. 11 ID: d27172
Some things I've learned along the way:

1. Revise. Revise a lot. Books are never finished, only abandoned. There's no such fucking thing as a flawless work, it can always be improved, but we can try to get closer and closer every time. Revise your work about 3 or 4 times before you post it, which means leaving a day in between revisions.

2. Read a lot. More importantly, read good books a lot. If you read strictly Harry Potter, Twilight and Dan Brown, you're not going to be any good at all. Expose yourself to different styles of writing, different genres, and look into "high level" books you were forced to read in class. And genres doesn't mean sci-fi vs. action, I mean postmodern works, modern works, Victorian, realist, transcendentalist (ugh), etc.

3. Know the basics. Know how to construct sentences, know how to create a simple story, learn literary devices and how to implement them, keep meter and rhythm in mind, etc. Crawl before you can walk.

4. Don't worry too much about grammar. If it's horrendous and getting in the way, then yeah, knock it down, but if it's just a little off and it adds to the pacing/voice, then go ahead. Suggested reading: The Elements of Style by Strunk & White.

5. You're going to be shitty. Live with it. A good writer thinks he's innately better than everyone else, but knows he's not at that point yet.

6. Don't be afraid to ask why someone thinks this or that! People are wrong too, and in every craft there's a group of idiots walking around thinking they know more than everyone else. Don't ignore people's advice, but don't discount yourself because Shakespeare said you're terrible and he left his shoes in your mom's bedroom.

7. Try to be original. Experiment. Be ballsy. That's how genius is created.
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