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  • Blotter updated: 2015-09-02 Show/Hide Show All

File 133961068950.jpg - (161.18KB , 900x673 , ink.jpg )
461 No. 461 ID: 4c410a
I need to write something but am finding it hard to get motivated, not knowing which idea to begin with.
Of the following pitches, which interests you the most?

A - Essay. Putting forward a scientific rationale for astrology. Comprehensive citations and references backing up the argument. Multiple small illustrations, either traditional media or digital - monochrome.

B -Essay. Philosophical argument to disprove omniscience as possible. One large monochrome traditional media illustration.

C - Twin essays. One expounding a rationalization of "vibes" (Full digital illustration - brightly colored), the other presenting a visualization of a psyche and how it can be thought to develop with experience. (Numerous small illustrations, mixed traditional and digital media - partial color).

D - Prose. Slightly dreamy, fictionalized depiction of a walk between an urban and rural area. Writing to create an atmosphere. Monochrome, traditional media illustration.

I have until roughly the end of the month.
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