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402 No. 402 ID: c71528

I am here to have my fellow writers to help me round out an idea I would like to write. These are the major things that will be in the story.

>> Polyamory
>> Pansexuality
>> Breaking Social Norms

Debating whether or not to add fantastical themes to it.

If anyone is interested please don't hesitate to ask for more details.
>> No. 404 ID: 248bbd
First of all, we can't really help you round out your story based on 3 bullet points, 2 of which consist of a single word.

Second of all, you don't need us to help you round it out, especially not this early in the game. Write it. Write it once and then write it again with the fantasy elements you're debating including, and then think about whether you like the version with the fantasy elements or without better. Then write it again.

Then, if you're having trouble with specific things or want feedback on the incorporation of fantastical elements, bring the story here and get some feedback. Coming in and going "I want to write a story about this 3 vague concepts. It may or may not have magic. Please advise." doesn't give us anything to build off of and it doesn't help you as a writer. Be independent. Write your story.
>> No. 405 ID: d27172
You don't start a story from a theme. That's not how it works, thug nigga

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>> No. 406 ID: 248bbd
That's not necessarily true.

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>> No. 409 ID: 345c1f
Yes it is necessarily true. It's like those assholes who write things because they have a 'really good title' but no content.
You KNOW people do this.
>> No. 410 ID: 248bbd
I don't see what that has to do with anything.

I'm just saying that starting a story with some ideas about themes you'd like to explore and then building your characters and story around that theme is a perfectly valid way to begin a story and is something that a lot of writers have done effectively in the past.
>> No. 411 ID: 0d00cb
Writing to prove a point doesn't work. If you want these things then just have your story deal with it. Make it part of the protagonist(s)'s life. If you have things you want to say then make it have a place in the story. Make it natural.

Making the story from the points just doesn't work. Making the points work for the story does.
>> No. 427 ID: 248bbd
>Writing to prove a point doesn't work
Simone de Beauvoir

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