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File 130546156841.gif - (69.83KB , 316x453 , drinking monkey.gif )
4 No. 4 ID: d27172
I'll get the ball rolling. Here's a little something I'm writing at the moment.

"So this thing can drink?" The spider monkey, Chip, scrambled across the shop's floor, prattling around like an idiot.

"Oh yeah, monkey drink you under table, arrr-me man!" The asian store clerk drawled hard on his 'r's as is commonly encountered when dealing with curiously fluent Cambodian merchants--the only civilized beings left in SE Asia after the Great Genocide. Ollie 'Troop' Czarded felt Chip grip his polyester camouflage slacks and climb up the living Sequoia of a man until he reached a comfortable plateau on Ollie's shoulder.

"Can he smoke?"

"Mister, monkey can do anything! You need a friend? You need seeing-eye dog? Say you walking through field with drinking monkey, sipping fine scotch, sweeping area--BLAM!" The clerk pump-faked Ollie, "Monkey sniff out land mine and jump in front, save life. Monkey bargain too, only ¥40."

"Man, I don't even give a fuck as long as it can hold its liquor." Ollie flipped the man a coin as he left the shop. Cutting into the grey-green Indonesian mist and onto the stone pavement laden with dead weeds and hot shell casings, he turned south to tell the 45-year-old Short Round, "but if it can't, I'm leaving this island with your fingers."

The monkey kept taut as stone; he bore no semblance of life, save for its high-pitched, incoherent mumbling as he bobbed gently up and down. Ollie lit a cigarette strolling into the USAF base that he was stationed in. The camp was constructed on top of a sheet of asphalt that had been laid directly on the soil. The arsenic-wrought fence that besieged the perimeter had been electrified and laced with razor wire in order to keep Marxian influences with the jungle-savages. These influences included Vietcong, Khmer Rogue, the color orange, Soviet agents, monsoons, opiates and atheism. The seasonal rains proved themselves to be the most persistent, prompting the military to implement Operation Thunderfuck: Bitch Slappin' Mother Nature, a tactical approach to eliminating the ecological scourge that manifested itself as wild gunfire and profane language directed toward any suspicious clouds.
>> No. 13 ID: 50bc9b
I like it. Struggling to find criticism.

>> No. 14 ID: f063aa
Go on....
>> No. 57 ID: 1116c4
Is this meant to be a comedic piece? It's certainly reading like one.
>> No. 64 ID: d27172

"Comedic" isn't the write word, it's satire, but yeah.

I'm having a bit of writer's block. I'll try to write some more tomorrow, but the words aren't coming out like I want th
>> No. 65 ID: d27172

*like I want them to.
>> No. 81 ID: 47f08b
This was pretty great for some reason. Keep up the atmosphere of it. " Operation Thunderfuck: Bitch Slappin' Mother Nature" is a pretty modern name though and kind of breaks the feeling that it's happening during the korean/vietnam war. I think it should be slightly more serious. The actual story thus far is ridiculous enough that you don't need to start talking silly.
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