No. 395
ID: 248bbd
>Is it too late to start taking classes at 21 years old?
Dude, you're twenty fucking one. I don't want to sound patronizing, but your life has barely fucking started yet. Too late? This is the perfect time to start taking classes. You're young enough that you are pliable, elastic, yet old enough to have a solid idea about what you want. Stop doubting yourself, stop worrying about "too late" and just do what you want or feel you need.
I know a woman who is 81 and still taking university classes, she takes one class a semester because she's so old. Take the fucking class.
Also, don't worry about needing a class to write your short story. Oh, you have one short story idea? Write it and don't worry about it fucking sucking. If it sucks, fuck it, write another story. If it's full of fundamental writing errors, then write another story with fewer fundamental writing errors. Errors are good, you learn from them.
Don't worry about people laughing at you. Just do what you do, balls to the wall. Write your story. And if people laugh, fuck them because you wrote your story.
Write. If you want to write but have never written before, that's step one: write. Don't worry about it being terrible just write it and get it out.