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387 No. 387 ID: 7182f6
Sometime in December I spotted this ad on Facebook.

I found the whole thing incredulous and while I was well aware that it was simply junk and a good way to give data miners information about myself, I couldn't help but feel compelled to write a poem for this shady and almost surely illegitimate 'contest'.

Within twenty minutes I had completed a poem called 'Mystery' which made blatant use of movie titles starring Bale. The whole thing was a good laugh for my friends and I, a bizarre incident on the internets of no real consequence.
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>> No. 388 ID: 7182f6
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Until today, when I recieved an envelope from the 'World Poetry Movement' informing me of, well...I don't really know. All that's clear is that they would like me to buy a copy of the book they're publishing which may or may not contain my poem about Christian Bale.

Oh, and I'm now a semi-finalist in their International Open Poetry contest.
>> No. 389 ID: 7182f6
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Here is the copy of my poem that they sent me, which they say must be returned to them for publication. At this point, I don't have much to lose, so I'll be sending it back.

I thought /wri/ would find this whole affair as laughable as I do.
>> No. 390 ID: 248bbd
They probably send one of those to everyone who submits a poem so that you will pay them money for a book containing your own poem.
>> No. 396 ID: 5ce051

No doubt, no doubt. I just think it's tremendously entertaining that such a shit piece of poetry (about Christian Bale, no less) could end up in a book somewhere.
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