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  • Blotter updated: 2015-09-02 Show/Hide Show All

File 132547412487.jpg - (962.53KB , 1654x804 , 20.jpg )
326 No. 326 ID: 7011fd
Tell me what you think.



The captured motion of life's remorse
Pertains to man excusing none
Ballads and Odes ream their course
Inebriating and enlightening as our sun

Pertains to man excusing none
A rallying shout in a deserted plane
Inebriating and enlightening as our sun
Illusory descent thrusts callousness' pain

A rallying shout in a deserted plane
Feathered words shifting to the true north
Illusory descent thrusts callousness' pain
Plagued by limbs and thoughts brought forth

Feathered words shifting to the true north
Bring stones to a sunken stomach
Plagued by limbs and thoughts brought forth
And if only they could pick?

Too much to signal the remote, flip a switch
Feathered words shifting to the true north
The world is too small, grandiose the niche
Plagued by limbs and thoughts brought forth.
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