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File 132522608426.jpg - (13.16KB , 220x281 , Who is at the door by Meteo.jpg )
317 No. 317 ID: cd674f
Anita was sucking a cock one day, when she herd the sound of a farmer knocking on the door. "Hello who is it" I said. I'm the farmer and I'm here to take back my CHICKENS. NO you can;t have them. Well they're mine so I'm taking them anyway. Anita let the farmer take his chickens because she knew they were his and he was a good farmer. Anita got the mouth rabies from the chicken and had to go see a doctor. The doctors names were ROBERT. They gave Anita a really good exam because he was a really good doctor. Basically, they started at the feet and made sure every part of Anita was ok going from bottom to top. When they got to the mouth they were concenered for her rabies and gave her a rabies shot it the gums.

Anita went back home to get her car so she could drive to the Super Market and get her perscriptions. She also got some gas and was like "Gas is getting really expensive so I should be frugal and/or drive with more care to my acceleration". Nobody heard her because she was alone but actually someone DID hear her! It was THE FARMER because he had planted a GPS tracking bug in her car! Anita didn;t see it but she was still suspicious that something wasn't right.

Anyway, Anita had some normal days and her mouth rabies got better. She once again heard the farmer knock on her door. "Who is it?" Its me the farmer, I just want to talk about what happened the other day and see if we can do something about getting you your own chicken. "ok" and Anita was tricked into opening the door. The farmer exploded into a rage and said I KNOW YOU WENT TO THE DOCTOR WITH MOUTH RABIES. The farmer and all of his chickens now had mouth rabies too because anita had given it to them for being a SLUT. Anita and the Farmer had a really cool fight where the farmer attacked with his fists and hurt anita pretty bad. Anita struggled to get away and managed to wrestle herself out to where she could grab an object and hit the farmer with it. The farmer fell down but kept attacking. Anita got hurt and hurt the farmer, but anita was doing ok because she was younger and on antibiotics. The neighbor came over and helped anita hold down the farmer until the police came. The neighbor Tom had ugly bumps on his lips and said to anita that she should get checked out for mouth rabies because he got them and they made out last week. Anita said yeah i got them and was on antibiotics. "Well then its probably ok for us to kiss". Anita said no because she had mixed feelings about getting mouth rabies from Tom. This frustrated Tom a bit and over the next week he fantasized about raping Anita but never did it becase there would be too many social consequences. Eventually over the year they started dating so the moral of the story is that social consequences are a good thing.

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>> No. 340 ID: 5fa15d
Whose cock was she sucking?
>> No. 344 ID: f53cf9
File 132640291811.png - (66.97KB , 247x248 , 1267231181061.png )
dude this is fucking genius
>> No. 361 ID: cd674f
glad u like :]

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