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File 132495905393.jpg - (55.67KB , 500x442 , text-generator-by-malevole.jpg )
308 No. 308 ID: fc9594
No title, but here's the piece.

Words, written down on paper, what do they even mean?
It is not a cure for a disease, nor is it a way for me to make money.
What is suddenly causing me to be expressive?
Why do I feel the urge, no, the impulse to put these letters down into words and sentences?
it is not for fans that I write, nor for a girl to excite.
Random rhymes with admittedly no rhyme or reason to them
What is the point?
Will someone see these words and be able to understand the true me?
I am not a complex fellow, while deep, I am fathomable.
Yet I sit at the Ground Floor, and words just seem to pour out of my mind
down my arm, to my hand, pencil, and messily onto paper.
Scribbled thoughts, silly jots
Again I wonder why I write, and why do I want to do so more often.
Brief flashes of inspiration brighten an otherwise dark mind.
Not dark as in morbid, but more like the dark of an attic or cellar.
The dark that comes from lack of use.
>> No. 309 ID: b74eac
You might as well be masturbating into the reader's face
>> No. 311 ID: fc9594
Is that a good thing?
>> No. 312 ID: 44009e
I think what >>309 is saying is that you're being-

A) Too direct; you're waving your literary dick right in their face.
B) Too pretentious; you're assuming the reader WANTS your dick in their face.

While this is a neat little grouping of words, it's not particularly complex. While something doesn't necessarily need to be complex for it to be good, that's what it seems like you were going for here. It seems that you're boasting a little too much, in that roundabout self-deprecating Micheal Cera kind of way. You also seem to write a bit condescendingly, telling (and asking) everything too directly while over-clarifying things such as your "dark mind" when you could just as easily allude to your mind as an attic or cellar without comparing it to one.
>> No. 315 ID: fc9594

Thanks! I apprecieate the criticism. I don't really know how to connect to a reader so i don't usually take them Into consideration regarding the content in my writing.

I honestly do think my writing is shitty but i gotta practice and just write things down when they come to me, like the last two pieces I wrote.

Again, I apprecieate any and all criticism of my work!
>> No. 316 ID: 4fedf9
Sup bro?
>> No. 319 ID: 44009e
No problem, broheim. You're never going to learn to connect to readers unless you attempt it though. I read your other thing about that chick in a coffee shop, and (while mundane and slightly neckbeardish) it was at the very least something I could relate to.
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