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256 No. 256 ID: 0357b9
Hey, /wri/. I got a bit of an odd question for you. I've been wanting to venture into comic writing for a while now and finally have a draft written up, a story outline, and now working on a synopsis. I'm in the market of submitting it to some different publishers, unfortunately I have found that most of them require a team assembled and some art ready. I was wondering if any of you would know of any comic publishers that will take submissions of just writing. I know Dark Horse does, but I haven't been able to find any others. Wasn't sure if I should ask this here or over at /co/.
>> No. 260 ID: 6ab549
The best way to do it is to find a comic club in your city, they have workshops and meetings where artists and writers meet one another. Ask your local comic book club.
I did this but i got so nervous at the first meeting I never went back, even though everyone was very friendly, I am just too award, even for meetings in the back rooms of comic shops.
>> No. 263 ID: 0357b9
That's actually not a bad idea. I'll see if the comic store near here has one. I'd imagine they do.

I'm moving to Atlanta soon as well, so I'll probably have a better chance there to fine tune my word-smithing.

Also, I did find some artists that are interested so here's hoping to that. Think I might use Kickstarter or IndieGoGo to help pay for their work.
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