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  • Blotter updated: 2015-09-02 Show/Hide Show All

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219 No. 219 ID: 773b6e
Hey, fellow /wri/ters. I have a question I'm hoping you can help me with.

I write a lot about everything, right? I'm pretty fluent in most writing styles, including poetry and that, but there is one aspect of it that's always missing and can't bring myself to do: scenery.

I don't know why. I sit down, I write, and when I read it over afterwards, there is no description of surroundings. When I attempt to salvage my piece, it sounds fucking terrible and then I abandon it all together.

Does anyone else have this problem? My brain seems hell bent on focusing on only interpersonal exchanges and the characters themselves ;_;

Would my only solution be to write a few pages of descriptions until I get better? If you have the same problem, what did you do to overcome it? Any tips?
>> No. 220 ID: f5f9d2
My suggestion would be to find some pictures of scenery, natural or otherwise, and write descriptions of them. Let them sit for a bit, then reread them and try and picture the scene based on your description, then look at the pictures again and see what the differences are between your mental image and the original one.
In the meantime, stick to your strengths. different writers get know for different things. Being focused on something can work if you are good at it.
>> No. 221 ID: 773b6e
Thanks! That's a good suggestion, I might try it when I get home from work later.

Yeah, I've always been attached to the more emotional/personal side of things and everything seems to get lost in it somehow.
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