No. 181
ID: c57cf0
(Writing practice based on factual events #1 -10 -07-11)
Criticism welcome
Idle thought #1
Just woke up again. Just forgot another boiling water pot on the stove this week. It's the third already. I passed out due to beer, again, for the third time this week. I never cook when I drink. This is the reason why. I leave shit burning on the stove and I pass out. Seems like one of my roommates noticed, took it out the stove and then shut it off for the night. How much am I drinking by night anyways? Let's calculate, shall we? One 1.18L. bottle of 10.1 percent of alcohol equals the consummation of 6 standard small beers. My consummation never goes further than around 4 times 10.1% from a 1.18L. bottle which pretty much equals a 24 pack per night. I don't drink this much but my recent breakup severely enhanced my factor to drink. I say this while I am also deliberately ignoring the fact I started to drink initially because I work in a call center. The mental abuse those retards give me day by day. by day, by day is fucking me up real nice mentally. Before this job, I was a discreet kid who never wanted to bother and always left any scene he was attending without a word. Now, this same kid is drinking like a maniac and leeching off his friends who has weed for a cheap thrills. What the fuck has gone wrong here? Maybe the child was not aware of reality yet and still believed in that idealistic thought that all is good. Maybe, the older version of himself snapped seeing how the people around him were not behaving as the educated people like he assumed they would become civilized, as time went by, and yet became abusive, greedy and wretched. The only method I know to calm down is to cling to works off those hot-headed hippies that overwhelmed the sixties. It is the only thought that brings me comfort while i still keep drinking, in the darkness of my room, fresh from another love story gone wrong.
Maybe this childish side of mine believed in fairy tales. Maybe I did believe in a world where human needs never felt to barge in except fpr going to the toilet.
I keep trying to think of a swearword better than ''holy fuck'' to express how I am stunned by the shear lightness the word ''fuck'' seems to prevail to me, right now. I can say any racist slang, any southern county swearword or anything else better than a ''fuck you, you dumb whore'' that I like, I can't find anything else better than someone just hanging themselves from their ceiling and possessing in their pants, soaked with piss, a letter saying ''the following people drove me insane''. Nothing says, still according to me conducts a better ''fuck you'' than this.