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File 130546384228.jpg - (121.04KB , 800x547 , Americanbison.jpg )
12 No. 12 ID: 50bc9b
Being a buffalo farmer in Buffalo isn't the most lucrative of carreers - Buffalo isn't even the best place for a buffalo man to make a living off buffalo. Sure, there are buffalo in Buffalo - and Buffalo buffalo arn't half bad buffalo - but the buffalo market is small and Buffalo buffalo sell lower than buffalo from outside of Buffalo. Always trying to get some fresh buffalo genes on the go. But the worst thing about the buffalo in Buffalo is that Buffalo buffalo are more easy to buffalo than the buffalo from anywhere outside of Buffalo. It has had Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmers (that is, famers from Buffalo that farm only Buffalo buffalo rather than non-Buffalo buffalo) buffaloed for years. Indeed, it is often said by other buffalo experts that a buffalo farmer - even if they are a Buffalo buffalo farmer - who isn't from Buffalo can buffalo a Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmer even quicker than buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmers have been trying to train their Buffalo buffalo in buffaloing, but so far have been out-buffaloed by buffalo that are not distinctly Buffalo. Its also been noted that Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmers while buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo - who in turn continue to buffalo Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmers. Its is a vicious circle, and every attempt by Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmers to buffalo the rival buffalos from outside Buffalo has been met with defeat, and embuffaloment.

That was, until Buffalo, the Buffalo buffalo. Buffalo was a young calf when he was discovered. He was in a large buffalo field, a mix of buffalo and Buffalo buffalo, and he was seen by his owners happily buffaloing a buffalo. The Buffalo buffalo farmers (not Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmers, because they didn't purely farm Buffalo buffalo) watched in amazement, but not a little apprehension. It was well known that once a Buffalo buffalo buffaloed a buffalo not from Buffalo the buffalo would in turn buffalo a Buffalo buffalo, who then generally buffalo any Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmers in the area. They figured they might be safe because they were merely buffalo farmers from Buffalo, not Buffalo buffalo farmers who only farm Buffalo buffalo. However, they soon saw that the Buffalo buffalo farmers Buffalo buffalo buffaloed buffalo merely remaind buffaloed, and didn't go on to buffalo Buffalo buffalo into buffaloing Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmers, Buffalo buffalo farmers, Buffalo buffalo farmers, or even any random buffalo farmers who might happen to be in the area. So they named him Buffalo, and sent Buffalo the young Buffalo buffalo to all the Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffaloing contests in and around Buffalo. Buffalo took Buffalo by storm, buffaloing buffalo (and not a few Buffalo buffalo) with ease. Buffalo became a legend in Buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffaloing circles. Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Farmers Association soon took him on as their champion, and you would often hear them boasting that 'Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Farmers Association's Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalos all Buffalo Buffalo buffalo farmers' buffalo, and all non-Buffalo buffalo with ease.' Buffalo's buffaloing career took him far and wide, where he would be pitted against the best buffalo this side of Buffalo, but Buffalo would buffalo any buffalo that stood against him.

After a few farcicle years, the Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Farmers Association renamed themselves 'The Buffalo Association of Buffalo Buffalo Farmers from Buffalo' and spent the rest of their days trying to solve the problem of semantics in todays buffalo marketplace. The skills of their Buffalo buffalo to buffalo was forgotten - even Buffalo was unheeded.
Several year later Buffalo the Buffalo buffalo and champion of the Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Farmers Association Buffalo buffalo and buffalo buffaloing contest died of a broken heart. To this day, Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo in horour of his memory. The cry 'Buffalo, Buffalo buffalo, buffalo!' can be heard all over the world. Buffalo, Buffalo buffalo, buffalo Buffalo buffalo; buffalo buffalo; Buffalo buffalo, buffalo, Buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo? Buffalo!
>> No. 17 ID: 26a5a6
>> No. 21 ID: 9a5c3d
The part with the buffalo was good. I didn't like the rest.
>> No. 22 ID: 20a072
I really enjoyed the character development.
>> No. 40 ID: 2a7f1d

Just out of interest, did anyone read it? I've always assumed that without my knowledge of what each word means and how it fits into a sentence it would be quite literally unreadable.

(Not that I expect any serious criticism!)
>> No. 51 ID: 9a5c3d
The name of your pic cracked me up after reading your story.
>> No. 56 ID: 1116c4
I did. It was no easy feat but I finished it. Ah.

protip: don't use one word too many times in a work that's not meant to burn the eyes.

In all seriousness though, Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo is one of the greatest English tricks(i would have said fuck ups, but eh) there is and I applaud you on creating a literary work based entirely around it.
>> No. 79 ID: 47f08b
After reading this fucking thing I just couldn't read the word "buffalo." It started looking like a foreign word. Sometimes if I stare at words long enough I start to realize how silly they look. Does that make sense?
>> No. 89 ID: 573bad

>> No. 90 ID: 4d7905
I know what you mean bro. Imagine what it was like writing the damn thing.

Maybe you'll like my other masterpiece (you'll recognize the first sentence):
James, while John had had 'had', had had 'had had'. 'Had had' had had a better effect on the teacher. Peter, while James had had 'had had' had had 'had had had'. 'Had had had' had had 'had had' a 'had', but 'had had' had had 'had had had' had.
>> No. 91 ID: 4d7905
Sorry, missing a comma after the fourth 'had' of the second sentence.
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