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18179 No. 18179
Is joining the Australian Defence Force a socially responsible action?

How can I know?

Do you think it will be fulfilling?

I think in retrospect it will feel as good as it does it prospect - the challenges and the difficulties and the skills that I learn. But during it will be unpleasant. I also fear how people with military experience have antisocial tendencies - like the veteran who once spazzed out at me in a food line for no apparent reason.

I think it will make me more confident though, through the leadership experience of being an officer, having access to intelligence information and knowing just how physically secure I am, right?
>> No. 18221
Amerifag vet here so I can't speak for the ADF but our service seems to have the same problems. Veterans have problems with relationships, drinking and jobs.

Confidence in myself is solid, I know how far I can run and how high I can jump. I fear no physical combatant and find myself being much more aware of the world around me than most non military.

I drank for a whole year when I got back from my tour and I've had other substance abuse issues even after getting a handle on drinking. I really didn't even see anything to bad either, comparatively. What I have seen though separates me from most of my peers. I've been at parties where people wonder aloud what it's like to see a dead body. I know. I'm not saying that to be dramatic but it's that for every aspect of military life from knowing that 5.56 buzzes and a 7.62 cracks as they fly past your head. Once you see it you can't unsee basically.

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