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17848 No. 17848
This guy again.
I've replaced that pos with this thing, which I've read to be pretty damn reliable. Comments / suggestions?
As a note: I bought this one, not found it.
>> No. 17850
Generally people ask for comments or suggestions before they go buy a gun.

I'm not sure what you're looking for (other than maybe a couple of internet high-fives), but my suggestion is to practice, practice, practice.
>> No. 17851
Mostly on if anyone has a track record with this thing. It's fairly cheap, so I'm concerned on quality.
Also, I'm looking for suggestions on something that's similar, but better, that I could get without spending a leg.
>> No. 17856
So that's what a pistol looks like.
>> No. 17861
A few batches of Sigmas had problems. Many people would tell you to get rid of the thing and buy a decent gun. If it shoots good and doesn't give you feeding issues, then just tell those people to eat a six foot cock out of a three foot bowl.

If it's new, you'll probably need to shoot about two to three hundred rounds to "break it in". If you get a couple issues with the pistol before that, don't worry too much. If you're looking for a better pistol that's fairly similar, try a Glock. The Sigma is based pretty closely on the Glock, so much that S&W got sued by Glock for patent infringement. The trigger mechanism on the new Sigmas had to be changed as a result of the suit, IIRC. This sort of behavior from Smith and Wesson isn't new, by the way. S&W began by copying Samuel Colt's design and reversing the mechanism to get around the patent.
>> No. 17869
Yeah, I'll be taking it to the range (woods) sometime this week, when I have time. A single problem and I'm dropping the bitch.
>> No. 17885
So anyway, how'd it go? By the way, that last thing was exactly what you were warned would be premature. So do you still have it?
>> No. 17886
Well, I'm happy with it. Didn't give me any problems, and it definitely has a much better kick to it than the last one I had.

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