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File 132839103254.png - (49.02KB , 259x194 , cccc.png )
17802 No. 17802
post the weapond you have on you pretty much 24/7 or the weapond you wish you had on you 24/7 has to be able to be consealed under a sport jacket
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>> No. 17803
File 132840990347.jpg - (1.51MB , 2560x1920 , 2012-02-04 20_40_06.jpg )
SP 2022 with Hornady critical defense. I'm pretty sure this it the first time i've posted a picture my handgun in the three years i've owned it.
>> No. 17804
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>> No. 17805
I bought a pair of high end brass knuckles that I keep in my right pocket. Knuckles are illegal in my state, but that just means I can't stick around after I use em. Btw OP, those stun knuckles are shit. A friend and I Each bought a pair to for kicks. Mine broke first after hitting a 75lbs punching bag about 5 times. His stop "stunning" shortly after.
>> No. 17806
File 132848034836.jpg - (1.51MB , 2560x1920 , 2012-02-05 17_13_35.jpg )
If they actually worked they would be pretty sweet but i carry a blade strapped to my leg
>> No. 17807
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These a sweet little girls, they can sing you right to sleep.
>> No. 17810
I really like the Idea of brass knuckles. My best friend Katie has a really cool single brass knuckle. I don't have an image, but I can describe it. It's a steel cat attached to her belt by recoiling wire. It has a round shape to fit in you palm, and you place your index and middle fingers in the two holes, the holes of its eyes. The ears are pointed and make great damage on impact. The best general discription I can think of is it's basically a flat thick metal plate cut in the shap of a cat's head.
>> No. 17812
File 132917306541.jpg - (311.89KB , 1600x1200 , mms_picture (17).jpg )
I meant to post this pic like last week. But these are my knuckles. Same anon who get banned in /b/ in that one fight thread. I have never had to use these on anybody but I have been pretty damn close to knocking some niggers out with em
>> No. 17813
good for you! I'm not racist, but I can't stand alot of niggers out there, wasting good tax money on crime and booze, tus asking for more because it's 'insufficient'. If half of homeless African Americans never did drugs or alchohol, they wouldn't be homeless in the first place.
Though, many African Americans are great people, it's just the general population.

>>17812 So, d'you need a liscence for those babies?
>> No. 17814

lol a license. Brass knuckles are illegal in most states. In fact here in WA, you have to pretend they're paper weights because simply owning brass knuckles is illegal.
>> No. 17831
That's a pretty sweet looking blade. Unfortunately, in my dearest blighty carrying knives/guns/weapons - even openly - is illegal.
>> No. 17833
This just in: They're not actually made to punch people with ya idiot. They're made like that so that they're easy to hold and almost impossible to have yanked out of your hand. Even if they were designed to be durable enough to be used like brass knuckles, punching someone with them makes no sense.

Stun guns work based on the pain of the electrical shock, they're not tazers, they don't cause any sort of significant muscle spasm or nervous system interruption, they just hurt. And if you're already punching someone in the face then they're not gonna be effected by the pain of the shock because they're already too busy being effected BY BEING PUNCHED IN THE FACE.

I know the internets stores billed them as electro-knuckles and shit, but thats all just sales shit. If you use them like they were designed to be used, they work just fine. If you wail on shit with them like a 14 year old Mongoloid then they're gonna break.

In reality, in order to really get a "electro-knuckle" the thing you'd have to make would be a horrifying combination of brass knuckle and tazer with sharp metal spikes designed to puncture skin and then deliver the charge. Even in that case you'd just be punching once and then tazing.
>> No. 17927
Nice, ever actually used then? I thought of carrying a baton but not baton(s). Mostly its just a stick and I never thought it would matter in a tussle. I'd prefer a knife or just both my fists. Objects, be they knives, batons, stunner, brass knuckles, etc always seem to be a distraction, some of them good deterrents, but I never really thought batons looked that menacing to make good deterrents.

I just carry a pocket knife.
>> No. 17954
razor knife
>> No. 17958
File 134515954853.jpg - (334.04KB , 1280x960 , Cham II.jpg )
Yes, whip batons are more than just a stick, though the many of the strikes are similar. Whip batons are weighted at the end and some of them are flexible, this will pack quite a wallop. A weapon should never be carried if you don't know how to use it. Carrying a weapon as a visual deterrent is chancy at best, those only come out when I'm ready to start breaking bones, because that's what almost every strike will do. I like two because I can have those coming from almost anywhere, plus feet, elbows and knees. The ones I actually carry have rough foam rubber grips on them and totally disassemble. As they are illegal to carry if I have to use them, disassemble and dump, no connection to me. They collapse down to about 7" so they'll fit in a back pocket if necessary, stick it in your belt, or if you're feeling really bold they come with a sheath, personally I think the sheaths are crap, so I don't use them. I also carry to pocket knives with a finger hole so my hand doesn't slide up over the blade, their just cheapy Gerbers from Wal-mart called a Chameleon II. It's a lock blade, but if kept will cleaned and oiled will pop open with minimal effort, if the mechanism has just been cleaned and oiled I've opened them with just a jerk of my wrists. Another nice feature of this particular knife is that if your index finger is through the finger hole the bottom of the handle sticks out past the bottom of your hand like a quasi spike for hammer blows.
>> No. 17959
WOW! Sorry about all the typos in there, my son was pestering me while I was trying to type. LOL Toddlers can be annoying but I love him to death.
>> No. 18021
>As they are illegal to carry

what kind of berg doesn't let you carry a baton?
>> No. 18031
Nowhere that I have ever lived has it been legal to carry a whip baton. That doesn't stop me, mind you, but it's still illegal. I'd rather, worst case scenario, explain why I had them than have needed them an not had them. Now I don't know if carrying a wooden baton is illegal or not, but those are very hard to conceal as their about 2-2.5 feet in length.
>> No. 18047

Still didn't answer his question. A baton is a stick. what shit state doesn't allow you to carry a stick?
>> No. 18048

Apparently most of them. Checking into it, there are nebulous laws which could or could not apply to whip baton even in my port, and you can get a CC here for like 70 bux and a handshake.

(Seriously. You can take a CC test over the internet and get your cert express mailed to you in a day. It makes me proud in my deepest cockles.)

AFICT, it's one of those things that a cop can hassle you about if they want to hassle you. You know, like basically everything else.

Meanwhile, I can carry around a straight blade up to 24 inches long as long as it's only sharpened on one side. So, yeah, I've got a machete hidden in my backpack ready for quick access, and it's perfectly legal. It turns out that the only knife law on the books just covers dirks and daggers and defines them as double edged.
>> No. 18052
Actually I did answer his question. I said I was unsure whether a straight baton/stick was illegal, but I KNOW that whip batons are illegal. Interestingly, a straight baton may or may not be illegal, but I can carry a hardwood cane, or I just saw a polypropylene cane with a mace-head grip, that is perfectly legal to carry. LOL There are loopholes if you're willing to look for them.
>> No. 18067
I know that "leaded canes" and "billy clubs" are the only sticks in CA that are specifically illegal. So I'm certain that, according to CA law, "whip batons" are never mentioned. But I'm also certain that as cops see it "billy club" means everything from a newly-fallen branch to a collapsible metal baton.

But did we really need to specifically mention fucking lipstick knives? Who in the fuck has ever even had a ballistic knife except for the Punisher? Yeah, that belt buckle knife epidemic of '96 was terrible, wasn't it? And the shobi-zue massacres of '02? Grisly.

>polypropylene cane with a mace-head grip
They might call that a leaded cane, but the law does specifically say that "a "leaded cane" means a staff, crutch, stick, rod, pole, or similar device, unnaturally weighted with lead". So if it's not lead you are possibly ok in CA.
>> No. 18076
File 137510326292.jpg - (3.30MB , 2304x3072 , vest.jpg )
mah fave

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