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17719 No. 17719
So, a friend of mine practices Hwa Rang Do, which is apparently the older, aggressive sibling to Tae Kwan Do.

From what he's shown me between sparring sessions, it's pretty fucking effective. Anybody hear of it?
>> No. 17720
Spent about 3-5 minutes on YouTube, does not look good at all.

For something supposedly related to Tae Kwon Do I have not seen a single kick and has looked more like Aikido to me. Along with promises of a "complete" martial art with shitty ground fighting I say dodge it.
>> No. 17721
Having practiced tae kwon do for a while, I'm a bit confused by what "aggressive" is supposed to mean.
>> No. 17723
perhaps 3-5 minutes on youtube do not properly demonstrate a martial art
>> No. 17727
It does when it provides information like this.

I saw nothing but staff dancing and really shitty wrist grappling with your standard compliant drills to show off without any resistance, very similar to the Aikido bullshit-ery that goes on.

Also the standard Wing Chun boasting/argument of a "complete" martial art. No martial art that I have ever seen that has been referred to as "complete" has ever been any good at all or has simply not been a total package at all.
>> No. 17730
Lesser-known martial arts thread? Lesser-known martial arts thread. Have some Jailhouse Rock/52 Blocks.
>> No. 17733
TKD comes from Shotokan Karate, though the Koreans would never admit it.

"52 Blocks" is, and always has been, bullshit.

Most of the throws from small circle Jujutsu are done in such a way that either you go with it, or your wrist snaps. This makes them a little hard to practice properly, yes. Most Akidoka are the effeminate faggots of the MA world yes, but the throws and locks still work if you know how to pull them off.
>> No. 17734
Pretty damn sure Tae Kwon Do came to be by amalgamating the various MA that predated it in Korea and wasn't just lifted out of Japan seeing as how Shotokan is only about 100-150 years old. TKD is probably younger but the progenitor arts have existed long before.

And yes, some people make wrist and small joint manipulation work, even some rare Aikidoka do but those people do not validate the majority of the garbage practiced in North America and other places. Boxing and Muay Thai fighters do not validate the Ninjas just because functional striking exists somewhere.
>> No. 17735
Just because JHR/52 is barely practiced by anyone and it's history may or may not be bullshit doesn't mean the style isn't real now.
>> No. 17736
TKD came about in the '50's.
>> No. 17737
The comment wasn't refuting its existence but rather asserting the common fact that no one takes 52 blocks seriously for a reason.
>> No. 17746
So... not claiming to have gone in-depth with my research at all, but it seems like the formula you'd see at some of the better Songahm taekwondo schools; One quart standard Korean martial art (see recipe for taekwondo synthesis), add grappling/join manipulation/submission to taste, obligatory spiritual "Do" teachings for garnish. I can't get a good judge for what it actually looks like when taught though, because I don't know if it's a strictly unified style or anything.
Not to give the impression that I have an issue with the formula, by the way. If you aren't absolutely determined to become the most badass motherfucking martial artist on your block then it seems like the style would do you fine. Just watch out for schools that like teaching you stuff you can't practice. If that's the case then you need to find a different school or find somebody you can do real practice with, or maybe rethink learning a style of martial art that revolves around the instant ninja death punch.
>> No. 17778
all martial arts do shitty compliant drills. every last one, they teach you how to fight against someone who's not fighting, or can only throw 1 attack at a time then takes 5 minutes to calculate there next move.
>> No. 17779
Of course all martial arts do compliant drills, it's to teach you how the movement is supposed to work without someone of low skill level hurting someone. Where the shitty part comes in is when they let it go at that and let people assume that that is all they need. You have to keep speeding it up and adding resistance as the person becomes more familiar with the movement, and as you get more familiar with more movements they you can start stringing them together. This is the purpose of open sparring, so you can practice those strings of movements against a resisting opponent who is also practicing the strings, reversals, counters, etc.
If you honestly believe that all martial arts can only handle one attack every five minutes, I have a challenge for you. I would suggest you got tryout for a cage match, but not sure how you go about that, so how about this... go find yourself a BJJ dojo, find out who a couple of the black belts are, randomly pick a fight with one of them without a weapon, (You know talk shit for a couple of seconds then start swinging, most black belts will try to avoid a confrontation so you will likely have to force the issue) you should be able to take them easily.
>> No. 17780
All martial arts do drills, true, but only the "special" ones do over-glorified drills in the guise of full resistance sparring. Good arts will only use compliant training for one or two months before the new guys start fully sparring.

Fighters will learn the fastest when their skills are tested against as much resistance as possible.
>> No. 17819
I'm about to start my first day in a Dojang this Friday. Anything I should do to ready myself mentally?
>> No. 17820

Fuck, it's not like you're getting deployed...

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