No. 17779
Of course all martial arts do compliant drills, it's to teach you how the movement is supposed to work without someone of low skill level hurting someone. Where the shitty part comes in is when they let it go at that and let people assume that that is all they need. You have to keep speeding it up and adding resistance as the person becomes more familiar with the movement, and as you get more familiar with more movements they you can start stringing them together. This is the purpose of open sparring, so you can practice those strings of movements against a resisting opponent who is also practicing the strings, reversals, counters, etc.
If you honestly believe that all martial arts can only handle one attack every five minutes, I have a challenge for you. I would suggest you got tryout for a cage match, but not sure how you go about that, so how about this... go find yourself a BJJ dojo, find out who a couple of the black belts are, randomly pick a fight with one of them without a weapon, (You know talk shit for a couple of seconds then start swinging, most black belts will try to avoid a confrontation so you will likely have to force the issue) you should be able to take them easily.