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File 132497375078.jpg - (555.04KB , 1024x768 , l1_rifles_mossberg_tactical_22_cal_rifle_57012.jpg )
17686 No. 17686
So I was looking at tactical .22's when I came across one made by Mossberg (pic related). They look awesome and are pretty cheap. Anyone had one?

Also recommend some other tactical .22's or other caliber rifles for around 300$ if you don't mind. I couldn't find anything better.
>> No. 17687
You can't go wrong with a 10/22. Have you checked out the Kel-Tec SUB-2000? Pistol caliber carbine right around your price range. They fold and use common pistol mags. They seem like they would make a great trunk gun.
>> No. 17688
[was gona start a thread about 22.s cool] i know this is'ent the zombie board but any know how effective a 22. cal is stopping power wise , would it kill a zombie if you shot it in the head/ would it go through a skull?
>> No. 17689

A lot of people underestimate the power of a .22LR. Within 75 yards I don't think there would be any problem penetrating a human skull.

The real issue you have is do you have the ability to regularly make a headshot at 50 - 75 yards. Unless you shoot regularly I'm betting no.
>> No. 17690
the hi point 995ts is really good too.
>> No. 17691
thanks finally an answer
>> No. 17703
Those Mossbergs are cheap and shitty, it is just a plinkster in an airsoft shell. The only tactical .22 i have heard of great quality are the S&W M&P-22
Get a Savage Mk II or 10/22.
>> No. 17717
I find it kind of odd that people seem to use the word "tactical" to mean "it looks like an AR-15". So what are .22s that don't look like an AR-15? Strategic?

Reminds me of some Russian sniper who was commenting on the use of the SV-99 (a Russian .22 LR sniper rifle). He said it's not really important that it can't penetrate armor, because as long as you are within about a hundred meters and can see his face or neck, you can kill him.

If you can't hit a head-sized target at 100 meters with any kind of gun, you need to get a .22 rifle and practice until you can.
>> No. 17718

I think by tactical they mean synthetic, black, and railz. See:

I completely agree. If you can't keep your shots within 6 inch circle at 100 yards with irons you have some issues.

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