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File 132495317141.jpg - (158.61KB , 640x480 , Four-Rifles.jpg )
17684 No. 17684
WHERE can I OWN and PRACTICE firing assault weapons CHEAPLY?

I live in CA. The closer the better. (Idaho?) I am hoping to find a nigger or faggot or person that will keep/use my weapon while I am here in CA.

I am talking about full auto AK-74 and SCAR stuff. Silencers if possibly. I want to actually qualify for the militia for which I am liable by law.
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>> No. 17685
For full auto try Nevada. Do some research on a carbine classes like the ones offered at Front Site.

You don't need full, or even semi-auto to be a member of the militia. Simply having a gun and being able to hit your target will suffice.
>> No. 17692
You might want to reconsider putting your name on a list that says you have guns, and are willing to use them against the government if the need ever arises. I am all for arming and organizing, but if the S really collided with F in a fema concentration camp sort of way, nothing would stop them from looking at that list the night before and making sure nobody was around to impliment that organization.
>> No. 17693

Every able bodied person ages 17-45 are members of the militia. The militia should be ready to fight any enemies both foreign and domestic.

The OP does come across as being some CODfag though.
>> No. 17694
File 132513454194.jpg - (1.96MB , 3648x2736 , nevada.jpg )
Actually, CA has a state militia of it's own. May be state government, but it is still government.
But anyway, Nevada.
>> No. 17695

That doesn't change the fact that every person is a member of the militia. Whether or not they choose to be in an organized militia.

10 U.S. Code sec. 311 gives the legal definition of the federal militia.

(a) says the militia of the US consists of all able-bodied male citizens (or who have declared their intent to become citizens), age 17-45, and of female citizens who are member of the National Guard.

(b) says the classes of the militia are the organized militia, the National Guard and Naval Militia, and the unorganized militia, which is all other militia members.
>> No. 17916
Have to agree with you.

The first thing the Corps taught me about shooting was one shot one kill. A bunch of idiots think that laying down rounds as fast as a firearm will spit them is the best thing to do. There is this thing they call "suppressive fire". It's not meant to kill (doesn't mean it won't); it's meant to suppress. Full auto is what is usually used to accomplish this. Now if you pull in logistical requirements, the more ammo you carry, the more you can fire, but if you've ever had to carry a full combat load over 10 miles, you'll know how bad that can get (not very if you're not a pussy). Now if you've ever shot a full auto weapon or any weapon on 3 round burst, you'll know just how fast 270 rounds can disappear. Do the math. If you want to practice effective shooting, you can do that in California LEGALLY. You don't have to go out of state. Don't openly waste rounds. Now if you're still inclined to shoot full auto, be my guest and waste your money.

As for your militia requirement, you're a fucking idiot. When you register with the selective service, you are fulfilling your militia requirement. Don't bring that bullshit in just to justify you wanting to shoot full auto.

Also, they're called suppressors, not silencers.
>> No. 17917
This. There's a reason everyone was using bolt-actions in WWII and the Army resisted the automatic M16 in the Vietnam era. 50,000 shots fired for every kill in Vietnam?
>> No. 17918
Sorry. I fucked up on my post. It's actually 7 mags at 30 rounds (210 rounds). I don't know how I got 270; probably a brain fart.
>> No. 17919

That number is still more or less true. Small arms are mostly used as suppressive fire now. Most of the actual killing is done by artillery, air support, etc.
>> No. 17921
Actually, while Suppressor is a more accurate term, they were introduced under the trademark of the Maxim Silencer. That's why in British English they call mufflers "silencers", since they use the same technology pioneered by Hiram Percy Maxim (son of Hiram Maxim, inventor of the modern machine gun).
>> No. 17928
Christ, you morons. Maybe OP just wants full auto because, I don't know, it's fun as fuck to shoot? "Nah, you moron, you should own an M1 Garand, it's way easier to kill people with." Who the fuck is he going to be killing? Is that what he said he was looking for? If he's worth his salt, he probably already has a pistol and/or a shotgun for home defense. Agreed on the "silencer" comment, but for fuck's sake, chill out. People like you guys make me embarrassed to be a gun owner.
>> No. 17929
You completely missed the reference about "[qualifying] for the militia."
Last time I checked, the general idea behind an American militia is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That's USUALLY done by killing the enemy.
>> No. 17943
>>I am hoping to find a nigger or a faggot or person who will keep/use my weapon while I am here in CA.

>>I am talking about full auto AK-74 and SCAR stuff.

>>Silencers if possibly

Can't you just wait until Modern Warfare 4, Chad?
>> No. 17994
Try Alaska
>> No. 17998
you can not get assault weapons in CA

(nor body armor)......
>> No. 18004
OP means Assault Rifles not assault weapons... Masshole here and you are talking bout class 3 firearms. To be clear an assault weapon is Semi only and has things such as an adjustable stock and/or pistol grip and or vertical grip, and things of that nature. The term Assault Weapon was purposely invented to trick people into thinking guns like a semi only ar15 are full auto and only for the army/etc bullshit excuses to ban shit.
ANYTHING full auto OR with a supresser is banned NATIONWIDE unless it is owed by someone with a class 3.

TLDR To own full auto/silencer u need to bend over and take it from the ATF no matter what state you are in, and assault weapons are NOT what you are talking about.
>> No. 18007
>I am talking about full auto AK-74 and SCAR stuff. Silencers if possibly.

i dont want to start a flame war or anything.
>> No. 18168
But of corse you know that a Class III Federal Firearms license is required before you can legally own a "AK-&4 and SCAR stuff" when you do that you can go to any one of the 100 ranges around LA that allow Full Auto weapins. To belong to a militia all you have to do is find a bunch of fools that have shot them selves in the head too many times
>> No. 18181

You can indeed get body armor in California.
>> No. 18215
Here is the information you seek.

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