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File 131803756395.jpg - (128.13KB , 640x480 , pix266845873.jpg )
17534 No. 17534
Americans, we have 3 petitions on Whitehouse.gov, one of which is to pressure investigations of the treasonous fast and furious scandal, wherein Obama/Holder supplied our enemies with arms.




Pic is a .500 with some incendiary rounds.
>> No. 17536
Treasonous? Enemies? Nobody's declared war here. Get your terminology straight before you try pushing legal issues, or you're no better than the brady bunch with their "assault clips".

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 17537

Not OP but, the ATF has been allowing thousands (around 1,300) of guns to walk across the border. Agents were telling dealers to complete strawman sales to suspicious individuals. The guns would leave the shop and the ATF would do nothing to follow them.

They issued statistics such as "90% of guns used by the drug cartels are traced to the United States." This is only true because about 1 in 4-5 guns confiscated were submitted for tracing. As well as Operation Fast and Furious being a source of these guns.

These false statistics were used as reasoning to attempt to enact new gun control laws in the border states (multiple firearm sales reporting).

For further info:
>> No. 17562
Go and peruse the Webster’s dictionary definition of treason and see if the justice departments forcing the illegal shipment of arms to a treatied sovereign(Mexico)WITH OUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR REQUEST.

Once you add the over 1,000 rifles and grenade launchers they shipped through Florida to the Zetas in Honduras you realize a number closer to 4,300 military grade arms shipped illegally and with the Justice Departments seal of approval. There is no way you can deny this shit with over 13 long term members of the BATF getting shit canned for speaking out about this, the fucking director had to ignore a direct order from Holder when he testified on the 4th of July and almost all of Holders testimony before congress has now been proven false by e mails leaked from the white house. It seems some one in the white house has the conscience to leak the proof that Holder and the President knew about this from the start. Mexico now says over 675 murders have been committed by these weapons and they are certain that number is in the tens of thousands, and we have AT LEAST three dead Americans because of this bullshit, ALL OF THEM LAW ENFORCEMENT, ONE FED AND TWO COPS. Over 475 rifles have been confiscated in the US during traffic stops. Who knows how many are now in the hands of those radical La Raza Assholes. They think the entire west coast is their land and they plan on taking it back.

But lets play partisan politics on this instead of treating it as the National security risk that is is.
is treason.

>> No. 17922
You don't need to claim anything to convince us the ATF blows dick.
>> No. 18167
But you know why the Fox fools haven't been harping on this lately, right. The program was started bt George W. Bush and happened very few times since.

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