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File 131730621346.jpg - (16.32KB , 540x405 , what in the fuck.jpg )
17498 No. 17498

How would you even shoot this thing?
>> No. 17500
I'm not sure how practical this gun would be. It looks bulky and heavy as hell and I can imagine that the kick from that thing is going to be pretty powerful. I'm not sure what the uses for it would be; assuming that the barrel length is equivalent to that of a regular revolver (6-8 inches) than the range and accuracy of it is going to be greatly hindered.
>> No. 17503
>I'm not sure how practical this gun would be

Practicality isn't the point here. Do you not have an imagination?
>> No. 17511

I imagine that thing practically breaking my wrist...
>> No. 17512
I don't see what having an imagination has to do with this thing. With all things considered this weapon is pretty much only good as a conversation starter. It looks awkward and heavy, probably has a tremendous kick, and is going to have shit for range. A derringer would have more of a practicality and effectiveness to it than this weapon.

But if imagination is the only thing we're going for why don't we add a laser sight and bayonet to it? Oh and we can also throw a flashlight and flash suppressor on there too.
>> No. 17528
he should've just bought a 600 nitro express revolver lol. same deal there. but, contrary to what you guys were saying, i am willing to bet the recoil is not that bad due to the immense gravity at work on the damned thing! it weighs 11 pounds! that's a light AR and two m92a1's in my book!!!

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