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File 131042353620.jpg - (404.80KB , 1600x1200 , IMG_0669-1.jpg )
15979 No. 15979
Post your loaded guns lying around the house right now.
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>> No. 15980
File 131042361249.jpg - (503.00KB , 1600x1200 , IMG_0670-1.jpg )
>> No. 15981

This photo suggests your dog is about to get the Ole Yeller treatment.
>> No. 15982

Actually it's two cats, that's why I have two barrels.
>> No. 15983
File 131055947561.jpg - (21.74KB , 320x240 , Picture 8.jpg )
Always ready.
>> No. 15987
I've always liked the idea of a side-by-side for home defense.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 16906
File 131156902822.jpg - (14.48KB , 400x89 , maverick over under.jpg )
what about o/u?
>> No. 16907

I feel home defense is a run what ya brung kinda thing. Use whatever you have on hand. Just make sure you how to use it. Any gun will be better than no gun at this point.
>> No. 16908

True enough. While some types/models are better than others, use what you have. Beats harsh language.
>> No. 16909

I think this would do the job just fine.

>> No. 16911

I wonder about that... if you're going to go all tacticool with the rails, why not go for a pump or a semi-auto?
>> No. 16912

The rails are just easy mounting for shit. Having a light on or near your homedefense gun is vital. You don't want to accidentally shoot your girlfriend or something.

But for their asking price (MSRP $479) I could definitely get myself an 870 or something similar.
>> No. 16913
or do I? want to accidentally shoot my girlfriend.....
>> No. 16914
No. I have decided I do not.
>> No. 16915

I feel that is a good choice.
>> No. 16922
The only problem with double barrel shotguns for home defense is: the lack of the pump. Many times, an intruder will scram if they hear the pump of a shotgun. If not, you have 6-10 rounds to make sure they're dead. Two rounds is even enough. If you can't hit a human size target 10ft away with two 12ga 00 buck, you're in more trouble than you think. Nine times out of ten, though, an intruder will leave after they hear a gun shot.
>> No. 16925

I'm sorry but that's stupid. The lack of the pump doesn't mean shit. It's speculative movie based garbage. If you wait until you're approaching your target to rack a round in you have made a massive tactical error. If you rack a perfectly good shell out of the shotgun because you want to try and be even scarier looking to a bad guy than a person with a gun already is, then you are an idiot anyway.

9/10 the intruder will run when he sees the gun, or you for that matter. Don't shoot your gun unless your life is in danger.

You said it yourself, two rounds is enough. It doesn't matter how many times you pull the trigger. Shot placement is key. I will point your attention to: >>16907
>> No. 16930
I agree with >>16925. If someone was breaking into your house and all you wanted to do was scare them off, all you'd need to do is flip on a light.
>> No. 16975
Although there's been a few court cases that should give you a solid legal footing against criminal negligence charges if one of these 'lying around' guns got stolen and was used to kill somebody, there's always a chance that someone will try and it's probably more headache than one needs.

Be careful with them.
>> No. 16977
What's with all this "9/10 times" statistic? Have you actually had the collector's wet dream of having your home invaded over ten times?
>> No. 16978

The most likely outcome of a home invasion is the intruder running as soon as he/she/it/they realize you are home. Only a very small portion of home invasions end with he/she/it/they continuing to trespass/threaten someone even after a gun is pulled.

9/10 was a semi-arbitrary number Mr. Nitpicky.
>> No. 16979
no. take a walk through a prison one day. most don't care if you're home or not until you begin to take control. ie; using your firearm.
>> No. 16980

Uh... It's well known that most burglars try to choose easily entered unoccupied homes. They want to get in, get the shit, and go. Having people actually be there increases their chances of getting caught. While they may be criminals, they are still human beings. They want to continue to live and not be in jail.

What you said may be true for the people convicted of rape, murder, assault, kidnapping etc. Your average Joe just wants his nightly bottle of E&J.
>> No. 16982
take my prior advise.
>> No. 16983

You obviously don't do a whole lot of thinking. The vast majority of criminals are opportunistic. But getting shot in the dick isn't the kind of opportunity they usually go for.
>> No. 16984
File 131451144169.jpg - (1.55MB , 2560x1920 , 2011-06-26 00_51_14.jpg )
I work with criminals every day. I read their commitment information, admission summaries and travel cards. I perform unit shakedowns looking for contraband, I take inmates on transport, I eat CS and OC for breakfast.
>> No. 16985
File 131451155959.jpg - (1.42MB , 2560x1920 , 2011-06-26 00_40_08.jpg )
Also weapons, inspection of perimeter picket.
>> No. 16986
File 131451159340.jpg - (1.57MB , 2560x1920 , 2011-06-26 00_53_06.jpg )
>> No. 16987

Awww yeah. Had to shoot anyone yet?
>> No. 16988
No and I hope i never have too. While the state investigates the shooting you are sent home with no pay during the duration of the investigation. The last time an inmate was shot the officer spent five months with no pay, which is apparently average. So its being punished for doing your job, or being fired if you don't shoot.
>> No. 16989

Where is this? Every department in my state does paid administrative leave.
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