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File 130733694661.jpg - (3.90MB , 3264x2448 , DSCN0619.jpg )
15903 No. 15903
Seeing as how here at 99chan we like to think we are a little classier than the rest of the internet, I thought at least a few of you might share my interest in antique and military surplus firearms.

I purchased these two Mosin Nagant M91 rifles at a gun show yesterday. The rifle on the top of the picture is a 1916 "Peter The Great" made at Tula arsenal. It is a mismatch for the most part but I found it interesting that the trigger was made at Chatterault in the early 1890s. The other one is a 1922 Tula M91.

I also bought an 18 inch lockring bayonet to go with my M91s. They are somewhat hard to find and I am glad somebody at the show had one (and only one).
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>> No. 15906
The bayonets aren't hard to find at all. Every Mosin sold at every gun shop or sporting good store I've been to came with one, along with the strap, pouches, tools and oil/solvent can.
>> No. 15907

That sounds like the kit that comes with typical 91/30 refurbs. The original accessories for the older M91 are somewhat harder to find.

In the case of the bayonet, the 91/30 has a different locking mechanism to account for the hooded front sight. 91/30 bayonets are dirt cheap but M91 bayonets can reach $100 depending on type and condition.
>> No. 16910
I've been looking for a Russian Civil War era Mosin lately (as well as a broomhandle mauser) but haven't found one for under $250 :(

Where'd you get yours and what did you pay, OP?
>> No. 16935

I bought these two rifles with the bayonet and some ammo for $300 total at a gun show (South Florida). The guy selling them originally wanted $180 for the 1922 but I was able to work him done a bit because I was buying multiple items.

Where have you been looking? I see still M91s on gunbroker for under $200 occasionally, but most of the M91s out there today are either later dated Finns and junk rifles. I guess you just have to get lucky like I did.

Also, M91s made after the revolution are less common due to lower production numbers and higher losses.
>> No. 16936

The last place I looked was my local Big 5, they received about 50 of them in a bundle. oldest one there was a 1926 :/

I've peeked at gunbroker a few times but the overwhelming majority of the mosins are 91/30s and it's a bit of a pain to sort through all the crap to find that the owner of a 1919 from Izhevsk with hammer stamp on the barrel and minor wear and tear is $350.

congrats on your find.
>> No. 16944

I would assume that Big 5 mainly deals in 91/30 refurbs, but I suppose every once in a while they may have something interesting. I'm still pretty new with this kind of thing, but in my experience your best bet is to go to gunshows and meet other people interested in whatever it is that you want.

As for post revolution Izhevsks, you may have trouble finding an original one because there were significant problems with the quality of the steel used at the time. Most of the receivers made between 1917-1923 were lost and replaced over the years.
>> No. 17467
File 131700320784.jpg - (13.67KB , 266x400 , 1262267346792.jpg )
>Seeing as how here at 99chan we like to think we are a little classier than the rest of the internet,
>proceeds to post Mosin Nagants

One of these things is not like the other.
>> No. 17468
File 131702042857.jpg - (163.15KB , 612x1023 , Sestroyetsk dragoon and tula m91.jpg )

Shut up fool. I know you're just jealous.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 17472
How can you guys in the US simple buy weapons from whereever possible, without a lengthy procedure for license etc for each gun?
>> No. 17473
Simple. We shoot anyone who uses these weapons unlawfully.
>> No. 17485

I was going to give a summary of gun laws in my state, but yeah, this pretty much sums it up. Kind of like the whole preventative vs. curative health care argument.
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