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File 13073107134.jpg - (25.87KB , 350x445 , 2m40-42_mask_large.jpg )
15900 No. 15900
Hey /w/, I need some help. I've got an m40/42 gas mask (legally obtained) in great condition. I have no use for it, and I want to sell it. However, none of the pawn shops here are interested and, I'm not fond of Ebay. So, where should I sell this thing? Do any of you have an idea as to what I could do with it?
Pic related: That's it, except mine has the carrying case and hood.
>> No. 15901
How much are you asking for it?
>> No. 15902
Since it's in such good condition, with a hood and carrying case, somewhere around $150. I'd be willing to trade and price is negotiable as well.
>> No. 15909
Does that sound kinda high or something?
>> No. 15912
Maybe wait for a gun show to come to town, or try any army surplus stores in your area. You can haggle with people in those places, and probably get a great deal. As for whether or not that's a high asking price, I honestly have no idea.
>> No. 15913
They sell this sort of thing pretty regularly at gunbroker.com

That's probably your best bet.
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