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File 130585155766.jpg - (10.35KB , 325x215 , beretta92.jpg )
15859 No. 15859
I've been considering getting this as my first pistol.

I don't know why but Ive always like the Beretta 92 models. they're easy to field strip. and highly customizable.

But mainly, I prefer the way it feels compared to some of the more popular pistols (Glocks, 1911s, etc...)

So /w/ is it good for a first time buy?
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>> No. 15860
only concerns I've had with the M9 are the safety ( offside lever tends to break, it works opposite most other designs ) and locking block failures ( which, for whatever reason, tend to happen more in the military than in the civilian world ).
>> No. 15863
Solid pistol, provided you like 9mm. Very heavy for what it is, but again, some people like that. Have you checked out the CZ75/Browning Hi-Power/EAA Witness?
>> No. 15864
Ha! my dad owns a EAA Witness. its funny you brought it up cuz the other day i couldn't for the life of me remember what he owned

As for the others i have not actually "fired" them before.
>> No. 15865
As for the weight, thats what i like about it. It's heavier than most 9mm pistols, and that helps with recoil
>> No. 15868
Are you set on a Beretta or are you interested in other manufactuers 92s as well? Tarus is the only alternative choice other than Beretta I can think of off hand (and they make some pimp-tastic gold accented models) but I remember hearing of a few others I cannot remember offhand, though for 600 for the real deal would probably be worth it. Only concerns I could think of is the safety which is personal preference. If you're basing it mainly off of ergonomics, I'd recommend looking at the 96A1, 90TWO, and anything else your gunstore might have that you haven't already had your hands on.
>> No. 15876
no I am not set on a Beretta. Its just the only gun I have handled that I have liked so far.

>Tarus is the only alternative choice other than Beretta

my local gunshop owner LOVES these guns. I havent handled one yet. but Im also not just looking for the handling but I love cleaning and taking good care of any gun i handle or own. i like guns that are easier to strip (Im lazy) so how easy is it to field strip a Tarus? (the spring in a 1911 annoy me, I know 1911s aren't that complicated, but I like the little disassembly lever on a Beretta)
>> No. 15877

For field stripping / cleaning anything milspec is relatively simple. A 1911 might be the most difficult ( note: that's not saying much ) and even something like a Ruger MKII ( not milspec, kinda a PITA ) isn't that bad.
>> No. 15896
Beretta PX4 Storm.
>> No. 15897
File 130717981946.jpg - (65.65KB , 800x600 , 92d cent.jpg )
never liked Taurus. i do however love Beretta. the 92A1 is the best pistol i have used. the tac rail is nice for some, but if you prefer not having it, the 92fs is almost as good. i like the A1 look more though. my infatuation started when i was young and got my first airsoft gun. it was an m9 Beretta pistol made by kjw, and field strips much like the real steel. it still works btw. but when my brother bought his m92A1, i was dead set. he doesn't like it as much, but i love it. i do have big hands though. that should be taken into consideration. my ring and index fingers are a size 14, and ~3.5-4'' long. length of hand from wrist to middle tip is 7.2''. big hands love this weapon. not to be sexist, but this is not a ladies gun by most means. my best friend has a 92d centurion. it is a SA no safety or hammer nub variant, that has been through all hell as his fathers edc of choice. it is stubbier and less attractive, but packs a whallop. the hammer is a tad heavy as it has the same hammer spring as the 92A1, and it is strictly SA, so that is to be considered. the Beretta is overall a very durable firearm. if it is comfortable in your hand, there will be few others that will also fit like this does into your hand. as far as ftf's go and fte's, these are very, and i mean VERY, uncommon in the few i have used. and i use old Russian stock spam can shit. brutal shit. as long as she's a clean bird, she'll soar.

pic is 92D centurion.
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