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File 130301583766.jpg - (52.22KB , 650x513 , splash.jpg )
15800 No. 15800
So. It's a 1911 chambered in .357 magnum. It can shoot .38 special if you change out the recoil spring.

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>> No. 15801
>this isn't it

Why? Is .357 really so much that someone couldn't handle it after a weekend at the range?
>> No. 15803
File 130302570543.jpg - (147.37KB , 495x371 , WitnessMatch10mm.jpg )
Coonan's are cool, but the Witness is a much more affordable heavy pistol with even more ammo versatility. You won't find it in .357, but 10mm is close enough.
>> No. 15804

I think it's more of an advertisement saying that this gun is so big and powerful that newbies won't be able to handle it. It's just marketing, i wouldn't take it seriously.
>> No. 15807
I personally wouldn't reccomend, nor .357, or Coonan arms, due to price and ease of mantienance and ability to put up with mistakes, along with recoil though not as much.
A threefiddyseven 1911 sounds pretty neat though.
>> No. 15808

Got one in .45. Fun shooter, but had some problems with the recoil spring.
>> No. 15818
Why would you want a shitty gun with MORE recoil.

Fuck that noize
>> No. 15820

It looks cool
>> No. 15837
File 130387911344.gif - (496.78KB , 500x302 , tumblr_lcraugPvNa1qe0eclo1_r3_500.gif )
I dunno... the 1911 has a certain appeal...
>> No. 15840
File 130388252393.jpg - (84.56KB , 392x355 , squirt gun.jpg )

Yea, we should all stick to calibers around .222 for our pistols. Because recoil hurts.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 15969
My pistol is .223 and it recoils like a bitch.
>> No. 15972
I've seen a custom .357 magnum 1911 before, this is the first I've seen mass produced. I don't really see the point, especially as you're not getting much additional capacity in a single stack 1911. S&W makes an 8 shot .357, and plenty of manufacturers make 7 shot .357 revolvers...

Unless you're big om collecting 1911's or really just want .357 magnum power on a 1911 trigger, I wouldn't bother.
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