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17 No. 17
I suppose this thread could use a worldbuildng board. I am trying to build a world based mostly on the ancient Near East and Central Asia with a select few dinosaurs and without any magic. Post your world here so we may steal from each other.
>> No. 20
I had a D&D campaign setting that I had spent years working on. It was based on if the Roman Empire had survived all the way until the end of the Renaissance.

The main power in the world was a continent spanning Empire, founded 5,000 years ago by the Emperor Lysander I who ascended to god-hood and was worshiped as the Empire's patron deity.

The cosmology is what I spent most of my time working on though. Basically... IN THE BEGINNING there was one God, who created a host of angels to build the world for him (an infinite being cannot interact with the finite without becoming finite itself). Things were going fine until one of the angels rebelled (you may notice some common themes with Abrahamic religions here). There was a titanic war in heaven and God got pissed and abandoned his creation. The angels that were left defeated the rebels and imprisoned them and with their source of power (god) gone, they had to find some way to supplement it. Turns out, worship by mortals, who were imbued with a bit of the creators divinity, sustained them just fine. The Archangels in the setting (who went unnumbered, but there were a LOT of them left) became the various gods and goddesses that comprised all the world's religious pantheons. The lesser angels became their servants.
>> No. 40
>> No. 41

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