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96 No. 96
>The dominance of English as the global language is a mixed blessing, as native speakers often lose the brain benefits of a second language

The article goes on to discuss how people raised as bilingual from an early age turn out a lot differently to those who weren't. Having thoughts in another language can really make you a different person.

Thoughts? What does this make you think of your language selection?
>> No. 97
I can vouch for your mind working differently when it can think in two or more languages. Sometimes it won't find an answer for a problem in one language but the other language will lead the mind to a solution.

So to speak.
>> No. 100
Well, growing up in Britain, I've found that native British people don't see much point in learning another language. Having said that, younger people seem more open to learning other languages, especially outside of the 'language for business' notion.

I certainly find it a lot more helpful, and I'm no where near fluent in any other language.
>> No. 101

My girlfriend was raised on two languages(totally different structures and sounds), and now at 21 she wants to learn English, but I can see she has a much better aptitude for picking it up than anyone English would have picking up one of her languages.
I think learning a second language has a huge effect at any age, but doing it when you're very young is the best time.
>> No. 318
I do wish I learned another language when I was young but, being English, "there's no need". Not quite the same issue, but I feel almost upset that I don't speak both English and "my own country's language". My own country's language is everyone's language, makes me want to learn Old English but nobody else speaks it so it's not like I could speak it with other Anglefags. Feelsbadman.

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