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File 141568315128.jpg - (53.43KB , 500x500 , Goosebumps in Chinese.jpg )
375 No. 375
Hey, /speak/, I'm learning Chinese and have progressed to the point where I think I'm ready to do some actual reading. I'd like to start with children's novels, since I imagine they'll be less strenuous than adult stuff. I recently ordered a Goosebumps book that had been translated into Chinese, but I'm looking for something a little more authentic, something that isn't just a translation of an English work. Any learners of Chinese who can recommend books they practiced with? Any native-speakers with favorite books from when they were kids? I'm learning simplified characters, but I'll take recommendations in traditional characters, too. It couldn't hurt to start learning that system as well.
Pic related; it's what I DON'T want

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