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File 13537027248.png - (98.76KB , 350x295 , wanikani_character-711deabb950e9d776f79a2ab13d231d.png )
236 No. 236
You want to learn the kanji?

Anki, Heisig, Kanjidamage... fuck all that shit. I have found the goddamn ultimate website that makes SURE you actually learn the stuff, instead of just giving you a long list with some hints to help you remember it.


WaniKani makes use of radicals, mnemonics, spaced repetion systems, and levelings. You don't get new kanji until you have learned the ones you already got.

I know this post seems like an ad, but it's just so much better than all the other methods. I have learned ten times more kanji ten times faster than all the other methods I have tried.

You learn the readings, the kanji and vocabulary meanings, and the mnemonics are hilarious. It's still in Beta, but you can sign up for early access. The first two levels (around 55 kanji) are free, after that it's 8 dollars a month or 80 for a full year. The only requirement are that you have learned the kana, but the more japanese you know the better of course.

If you want to learn the kanji... check it out.
>> No. 242


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