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File 134656421476.jpg - (43.83KB , 376x351 , 1276565903963.jpg )
154 No. 154
Hey /speak/, I have always been incredibly interested in languages, where they come from, how they form and change, etc. Recently I have become increasingly interested in learning to be fleunt in another language, so here I am. I would like to ask, what are some (relatively) easy languages to learn, aside from the classic french and spanish.
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>> No. 155
Italian's nice-sounding. And if you learn it you might have a more solid foundation in the other Romance languages.

Unless you're just looking for something more hipster and exotic. Like Estonian.
>> No. 157
File 134680423997.png - (156.24KB , 860x3034 , 110329-VOXY-HARDLANGUAGES-FINAL-WIDE.png )
Why don't you learn a more difficult language, one comepletely different from English and Spanish, it's more rewarding and more of a challenge.
But, since you asked for easy ones, I would go with Italian and Portuguese. MAYBE German, I'm not to familiar with German, it's around Medium btw, I say it may be relatively easy because English is a germanic language.

Anyways, have this infograph, it might help.
>> No. 159
Norwegian, Afrikaans, Farsi
>> No. 161
depends where you come from. If you're english native easiest for you will be dutch and/or afrikaans. German is indeed a little tough because there's a lot you can do wrong so flawless fluency is almost impossible for non-natives, still you will be able to push it to an ok level I guess. For me as a German Icelandic seems to be ridicoulously easy, bc it seems to be a early mediaval or Gothic version of German, so maybe that would be an option, too.
If you're more interested in Romance Languages, why not try Romanian?
>> No. 230

Son of a bitch, the only languages that I waanted to learn are the either in mid tier or youwonthaveenoughtimeasshole tier. I hear learning esperanto can aid yout with learning new languages, is that bullshit?
>> No. 238
It's true. Learning a language is easier when you've already learned another one, in that you're used to the processes and techniques of language learning. Esperanto is one of the easiest languages (arguably THE easiest) out there, so it might be a good first option, but you'll have to bear in mind that your chances of walking down the street and finding a fellow Esperantiston (the word Esperantisto is someone who speaks Esperanto, and it is in this case the direct object in the sentence) are slim to shit.
>> No. 315
hold on, I don't get it, is this infograph retarded enough to claim there are only 62m french speakers world-wide???

holy shit now I'm angry at how stupid this is

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