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File 133869917863.png - (25.56KB , 1000x667 , Q.png )
105 No. 105
I took four years of French in high school, but we didn't even have to speak in class so it was a joke. I essentially taught myself by watching movies, trying to read as many French news articles as I could, and reading a lot of books. In the 4 years since high school I took about 4 advanced French courses at a university (one taught by the former dean of Poli Sci at the Sorbonne, holla), but they placed me way too low from my test score so I was with beginners and didn't learn much at all. I did have an awesome professor who actually taught me a lot, but the rest of the class was at such a low level they didn't know the word for 'ship' or 'title'.

I was writing a letter today and that shit just flew out quickly and accurately. I second-guess myself, but more often than not I was originally right even if I didn't consciously think about it. It's a weird feeling to have a hunch that you need a certain accent on the word or something and end up right. I'm still insecure about my speaking speed, but I was pretty impressed with my writing today.

tl;dr you can teach yourself a language to the point where it feels natural in a really short amount of time. General French thread?

Here's a list of some good French books and movies so this post isn't completely useless:
La Haine
La Bataille d'Algers
La Grande Illusion
L'Armée du crime
Les Diaboliques

I mainly read books by Houellebecq. They're deliberately controversial and inflammatory like all things French, but they're also funny because of his style.
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>> No. 107
I would say that French (and Spanish) are particularly easy considering how much they have in common with English (and eachother, but then I study both) By the word easy, I'm not trying to suggest that it's a dos, but more that it's a lot more familiar and easy to pick up. I'm studying a Baltic language now and it's noticably a lot more difficult. Everything I learn is self-taught, notably because education systems didn't seem to favour teaching languages as more teaching phrases or sentences without any contextual understanding. Also, I was damn lazy at the time.

I think the problem is generally, people worry about doing and hence use a course or program, rather than using all sorts of things as you sound to have done. I would suggest, starting to speak in French more often, or to go to a French speaking place, and then your language skills will come alive. But then, maybe you've already done this.

I need to brush up on my French and get a £4 megabus to France so I can actually start to use what I'm learning.
>> No. 110
They're incredibly easy for English-speakers as long as you have a respectable English vocabulary that includes all the Latin-derived synonyms that we rarely use so you can recognize the Romance equivalents. In my third year of French in High School my physics teacher put a Spanish paragraph on a test and told us to translate it for extra credit. I did it easily just from my meager French knowledge. I get worried that people who only speak English are going to understand what I'm trying to say in front of them in French if I'm trying to keep it a secret. I feel like every goddamned word is just English with a French accent.

In French, the short words are hard and the long words are easy. In German the short words are easy and the long words are hard.

I took Russian and fuck, that shit is hard. I didn't especially have a problem with declining nouns because of Latin, but it's still a pain in the ass.
>> No. 111
I went to Quebec for vacation. They are notorious for using English with you if there's any hint you aren't from Quebec or France. I asked a cop a question, and he replied in English. That sucked. But then I asked a cute girl working in a book store to help me find something and she spoke French with me. That was in Montreal. I later went up to Quebec City where they'll refuse to speak French with you just as some sort of political statement. I went to a restaurant with my family there and they would always talk to me in French but switch to English for everyone else. That was awesome, because my French was probably pretty shitty back then.
>> No. 123
File 134140426167.jpg - (222.41KB , 880x1165 , bunker_demo_02.jpg )
>General French thread

Don't know if this is the intended use for your thread, I'll delete my post if you want, but I was hoping someone could tell me what these lyrics say? I haven't been able to even find them transcribed, let alone translated.

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