No. 107
I would say that French (and Spanish) are particularly easy considering how much they have in common with English (and eachother, but then I study both) By the word easy, I'm not trying to suggest that it's a dos, but more that it's a lot more familiar and easy to pick up. I'm studying a Baltic language now and it's noticably a lot more difficult. Everything I learn is self-taught, notably because education systems didn't seem to favour teaching languages as more teaching phrases or sentences without any contextual understanding. Also, I was damn lazy at the time.
I think the problem is generally, people worry about doing and hence use a course or program, rather than using all sorts of things as you sound to have done. I would suggest, starting to speak in French more often, or to go to a French speaking place, and then your language skills will come alive. But then, maybe you've already done this.
I need to brush up on my French and get a £4 megabus to France so I can actually start to use what I'm learning.