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File 132760219778.jpg - (45.16KB , 475x315 , borg.jpg )
449 No. 449

Two people in this video volunteered to have their hands amputated to have robotic arms attached in their place. Would you do this?

I would be afraid of my strength. Sure, there would be a lot of times when it would be cool to have a robotic arm or hand, but you could seriously hurt yourself or your cat.
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>> No. 451
File 132763360554.jpg - (16.48KB , 304x171 , colonialmarine.jpg )
Even better- in the file photo of that soldier, he looks like a Colonial Marine.
Anyway, so far cyberarms aren't very strong. Power Knees on the other hand boost stamina greatly.
>> No. 461
I would presume that their hands were minimally functional; either atrophied or retarded at birth.
>> No. 462
File 132823271985.jpg - (214.14KB , 1271x720 , Creet-toclafane.jpg )
Ha, arms and legs, who needs them?
>> No. 471
Bionic limbs are overrated. Don't get me wrong, when the time comes, I'll get mine replaced, but I'd much rather have bionic organs.

The thing is, I really like the feeling of my muscles flexing, the tendons pulling on my bones, the skin rolling over my tender meats. I know it could be simulated, but not any time soon. Organs, though, I can't feel them. Super-powered organs would be more useful than bionic limbs; you could breath poisonous atmospheres, control your hormones and metabolism, be immune to diseases... it'd be wicked.
>> No. 472
Transhumanism is on the rise?

EXCELLENT! nothing makes me more excited about the future than to hear we are perfecting things such as bionic arms. it gives me hope that within my lifetime I can be part machine and interact with them in a more personal manner.
>> No. 478
Yea, we wont be in a transhumanist world. Transhumanism implies that technology will make the world better.
My old highschool English teacher made up a saying that made a lot of sense to me:
"As the world gets better, The world gets worse."
It'll be a cyberpunk world.
>> No. 479
Realistically it'll continue in the line of "meh".
>> No. 484
That is because the development is just slow enough and come in small enough increments that your human brain comprehend and adapt to it almost seemlessly, and yet fast enough that if we went back to the technological level we had 20, 15, or even 10 years ago, most of us wouldn't know what to do with ourselves.

The ability to adapt is both one of mankind's greatest virtues as it allows us to make the best of our situation, regardless of what that situation is, and one of our greatest flaws as it means that we very easily forget that we have adapted and made our situation much better since yesterday.
>> No. 519
I would certainly consider getting bionic limbs if I lost my originals in an accident, but I wouldn't deliberately have perfectly good parts of my body replaced.
>> No. 588
>if we went back to the technological level we had 20, 15, or even 10 years ago, most of us wouldn't know what to do with ourselves.

This is a load of crap. People would do the same things they always do. In fact, plenty of people live in the exact same level of technology they did 30 years ago. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
>> No. 607

So one would hope. I mean there are literally millions of people who could otherwise benefit from this, no need to deliberately maim an otherwise healthy person.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 615
File 134414564160.jpg - (19.82KB , 565x284 , 1853776-deusex_arm_super.jpg )
only if that robotic arm is an enormous improvement from my real arm.
>> No. 623
File 134704747517.png - (163.32KB , 509x231 , RetinalProsthesis2.png )
I'd like to replace my defective eyes.
>> No. 655
But with neural implants. I'd like to have some kind of neural implant to boost my short term memory.
>> No. 673
>> No. 824
>I would be afraid of my strength
With current technology it's probably be much weaker than a typical hand. It's not like the movies.
>> No. 826
every invaluable cognitive trait, each piece of what you are, every bit of you that helps people or experiences the beauty of the universe, can be pathological if taken to extremes or applied in inappropriate places.

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