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File 140565276489.png - (149.40KB , 521x781 , 2spook.png )
183 No. 183
Why do you Komrades think Hitler tried to exterminate the jews? Or did he at all?
>> No. 184
He didn't
>> No. 185
It's a common misconception that Hitler was against the Jews. Yes, he did try to kill them all, but he was never an anti-semite. Rather, he was pro-German. That's why he had the madagascar plan: the Jews had proved time and time again they were not fit for German society, they didn't have an overall good benefit for the Germans, and they were generally a nuisance and he wanted them out. The United States and the rest of the west, however, vetoed this plan, would not let him enact it, so he did the only thing he could without sacrificing precious German clay: he killed them.
>> No. 241
Or possibly interned them until they could be placed in a German controlled territory after the war. AKA, the final solution as decided in the Wannsee conference.

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