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157 No. 157
Hitler made some really fucked up decisions during teh course of the Second World War, which I'm going to list below.

1. Before Germany declared war on Russia, it was imperative that Britain be defeated. If Hitler had not ordered the Luftwaffe to switch from attacking the RAF and instead bomb English cities(in retaliation for negligent British raids in Germany), the RAF would have been utterly destroyed within weeks and Britain helpless and unable to stop the Luftwaffe from doing what it wanted.
2. Not telling Mussolini to clean up his own fucking mess in the Balkans. Instead, German manpower was tied down for months, thus delaying the start of Barbarossa, which ensured the Germans would be caught in the worst winter Russia had seen for decades, without cold weather gear or winterized vehicles.
3.Declaring war on the United States. If Hitler had not of decided to go to war with the USA a week after Pearl Harbor, there was no way FDR would have convinced the majority of Americans to also go to war in Europe.
4. His insane refusal to allow German troops to withdraw/ This bullshit was responsible for the death and capture of millions of German soldiers. If he had of allowed strategic withdrawals when needed, the Russians would have never made it to Germany, and there would have probably been a negotiated peace on the Eastern Front, and his refusal to release needed reinforcements until well after D-Day insured the Western Allies would prevail on that front.
In many ways, Hitler was the best thing going for the allies.
The best thing that could have possibly happened to Germany in WWII was if Hitler had od died or been incapcitated early in the war.
>> No. 165
>and there would have probably been a negotiated peace on the Eastern Front
I'm just visiting /reich/ from /cccp/ but i had to comment on this one.

Stalin wouldn't have stopped the war. Both parties signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty but both knew that they would clash eventually.
>> No. 168
Agreed. There is nothing to indicate that Hitler was a particularly big fan of Slavs or vice versa. They would have gone for each others throats.
>> No. 177
Couldn't it be argued that Hitler's hatred of Jews reached the level of being pathological?

And that Der Fuhrer allowed himself to become consumed by it?

Didn't Hitler, against the will of his top military men, staff munitions factories with frail, emaciated, sickly Jewish women who started dropping-dead like flies immediatedly?

Wasn't this an example of Hitler placing his personal, all-consuming vendetta against Jews above his desire for victory in the war?
>> No. 242
>> No. 438
To boot with this, he inducted the Fuherprinzip, put the elites in power, and betrayed the "Socialism" in National Socialism.
>> No. 439
To boot with this, he inducted the Fuherprinzip, put the elites in power, and betrayed the "socialism " in National Socialism.
>> No. 440
He also inducted the Fuherprinzip, put the elites in power, betrayed the "socialism" in "National Socialism," and was generally shitty chancellor.

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