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141 No. 141
Happy Birthday Y'all :3

anyone else throwing a party?
>> No. 159
I wish I had some wealthy bankers to put in my oven.
Have any jews in the last 30 years been killed this way, or gassed?
>> No. 160
Here's the thing about "gassing Jews": there is really no actual physical proof this ever happened. At EVERY camp where this was supposed to have taken place, the only buildings that have evr tested positive for traces of Zyklon B have been the clothes delousing shacks. Now, I'm not saying that the Germans didn't kill quite a few Jews on purpose, but when they did, it was mainly done in the field, and it was done by firing squad. The vast majority of Jews that died in the camps did so when there were outbreaks of disease, such as typhus and cholera. The camps were pretty unsanitary, mainly because the Germans underestimated the numbers that would be placed in them. When the numbers are crunched, the total number of Jews that died during the Reich years total about 1,500,000, which i s a far cry from six million, and just a fraction of the approximately 50 to 80 million dead total(and even if 6 million Jews died, that's still only around 10% of all deaths during the war). The Russians have killed far mar Jews than the Germans ever did. Some estimates reach around 10 million. Granted, this covers both the Czarist and Soviet eras, but it still shows the Russians have been excused for doing far worse things than Germany ever did. Hell, the current Russian government is still pointing out Jewish and Zionist evils.

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