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File 139621524561.png - (14.81KB , 428x271 , 1384459617001.png )
123 No. 123
Hitler should have won.

World would have been a better place nowadays.
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>> No. 143
File 139830293410.jpg - (68.23KB , 464x639 , 00013a4b_medium.jpg )
yup, so many mistakes of today like 9/11, there would be no cold war and Putin would be nothing but a homeless show shiner in the streets of a dystopian Moscou.
>> No. 154
File 140024653629.jpg - (577.38KB , 1600x1266 , final solution.jpg )
Hitler was right. He knew that the jews were worthless, parasitic scum. Der Fuhrer is only guilty of trying to save us all from ourselves because lord knows we'd never have the balls to remove such a cyst from our society. We're all too busy being good little goyim and calling Israel our ally.
>> No. 156
Agreed. Now they run the United States, and by extension, Western Europe. Among the many mistakes Hitler made, this is the one that has come back to bite the world on its ass more than any other.
>> No. 163
They run the government, though. Our foreign policy is pretty much "what makes Israel happy". Benjamin Netanyahu
has openly bragged about having America in his pocket. The State Department has pretty much been staffed by Jews since World War II, and almost every member of Congress supports Israel unconditionally, because they know not to do so means they won't be reelected.
>> No. 172
I stand by my statement, and here's some research for you. Especially read the pdf linked below.

>> No. 173

You're dense as shit if you don't understand that the US is less controlled by israel rather than the US, Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia are extant in a complicated hate rhombus where nobody can really act against each other directly without causing serious shit. Israel--being a tiny, resource-deplete country most people in the world hate--is undoubtedly the most egregious victor in the arrangement, but by no means do they hold the strings to the US's puppet show. We support Israel like Saudi condemns them; secretely, the game is reversed. Saudis love Israel as a way to keep pan-arab nationalist rage against the oil tycoons that run their country, while the US and Israel constantly spy on each other, thwart one another and generally loathe everything about the other's existence. The Israeli lobby is one of the largest pains in Congress's asses and the ADL constantly makes a mockery of them.

That being said WWII SUCKED. Nazi Germany was the advanced civilization at the time, had hands DOWN the greatest land army in European history, economically strong, vast technology sector and they had allies they were on genuinely good, solid terms with. They should have won.
>> No. 181
File 140489037356.jpg - (35.04KB , 512x429 , anti-zionist-uk-protest.jpg )
Not all Jews are Zionists. (And not all Zionists are Jews. And not all Zionists support any particular regime/actions/policies of the Zionist State)
Yes, the majority of Jews are probably still Zionists but this is starting to change.

That a disproportionate number of banksters and other financial crooks and terrorists are of Jewish descent or affiliation* is, alas, factually correct. Nonetheless, there are plenty of Jews who are none of these things, including many who actively oppose such crimes and many who are themselves victims of them.

*Note that the overwhelming majority of people today who are of Jewish ancestry or are otherwise identified as Jews have little-to-no connection with Judaism.

That a disproportionate number of Jews champion various forms of degeneracy and depravity and any number of causes that are destructive to society is, alas, true. Nonetheless....(same as above)

The problem is not Jews per se` but the various problematic and destructive (and often downright evil) behaviors, actions, movements, ideologies and individuals in question. For just about all of these categories, the non-Jews involved and implicated for outnumber the Jews (in absolute numbers at least).

A non-Jew can have all of the traits and champion all of the policies that you consider negative and associate with Jews and vice versa.
>> No. 191
>The problem is not Jews per se`
Good goy

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