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File 13432762062.jpg - (38.67KB , 500x333 , 08.jpg )
537 No. 537
Me and my friend plan on taking acid together in the next two weeks, and it's our first venture into actual psychedelics. I've pretty much done as much research as I could and I have a good idea about set-setting, but there's an issue I can find much information on.

I am diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, and I have absolutely no idea if this would affect anything in a positive or negative light. We are both taking low doses (one tab each, very minimum dose). I know research cannot really prepare you for anything in the end, but I think I have done a good amount to the point of where I am not just tweaking. My medications all check out and I should have no problems there.

Do any of you think there are any problems with taking LSD if you already have developed a disorder? I don't plan on doing it regularly, given both A. The cost, and B. I am pragmatic when it comes to psychedelics, so I was just curious.
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>> No. 538
File 134327646454.jpg - (17.18KB , 200x299 , 200px-Porcupine_Tree_STEVEN_WILSON_TS_Wisła_Krak�.jpg )
Random tidbits of information:

1. I have seen and experienced some pretty fucked up shit. I've experienced "hell", I've had horrible lucid dreams, I've had delusions of being followed, watched, etc. I could be completely mistaken, but this leads me to believe than in terms of tripping, at least, it'd take a lot to fuck with me.

2. I've never had problems with any other drugs in my life. I hear some people even smoke weed and have fucked up shit happen, but it's been a pleasant experience every time, and I've smoked a lot.
>> No. 539

Read that carefully. Read the sources if you must. Then, once you comprehend the situation and the very possible risks, take a decision.

My vote goes for "lay off psychoactives", but then again what do I know.
>> No. 540
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Thanks for the quick response, I appreciate it.

From what I'm aware of, it seems the danger more or less lies in substance addiction, rather than the drugs themselves. That eases my concerns a bit, to be honest, because I actually have a fairly good hold on myself in terms of drugs and whatnot.

I will take your thoughts into consideration, though, and I greatly appreciate it.
>> No. 541
Psychoactives are known to trigger dormant/latent schizophrenia in people. Seeing you already have a schizoaffective disorder, I'd say your chances aren't bad you could be amongst those with dormant schizophrenia.

I dunno.

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