Unfortunately that does not mean we can shoot them. Anyway, what drug/drugs do /regs/ recommend to take the exams, not to study for them; I can study all by myself when I put on my big boy pants!
i was whacked out of my skull on codine when i took the ACT the second time and i got a 31, two points better than my first score of 29. your results may vary
I was on 40mg of ritalin when I took a calc test a few months ago. First half went great, but I got a little edgy by the second half. Try adderall, that stuff keeps you focused without as much a nagging buzz. Dosage may vary.
adderall and ritalin both tend to make me pretty grumpy. what do you usually have problems with, OP? if you need to relax i'd say just do a couple shots of vodka beforehand. not enough to fuck you up, just to get loose, you know?