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File 140754910193.jpg - (35.21KB , 661x344 , Meth_+what+meth+does+to+you+feelsbatman_jpg_1b5917.jpg )
1160 No. 1160
I was able to quit cigs 3 months ago cold turkey after smoking them for 4 years. I think pot is more addicting tho. If it werent for probation, i wouldnt be able to stop smoking weed for more than 2 days.

My question is simple

Think I could try meth just once?

My coworker recently became addicted to it and has offered to sell me a 10 sack.

Gonna be getting it tomorrow..

From what ive heard, it's 3x stronger than coke (which ive tried and holyyyy shitttt) and its sorta similar to X but way more euphoria and youre super awake. Heard the comedown is way worse than coke and x...which freaks me out a little bit..

what should I do? I'm confident that I can try this once...part of me is at least.
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>> No. 1161
File 140908532293.jpg - (13.64KB , 333x250 , Hitler Garfield.jpg )
I smoked meth once, by accident.

Me and a friend had blue stars, e pills. We had 10, and had eaten 2 each during the night. The night was over now, and we were home.

Wanting to have some novel fun, we looked up the vaporization temperature of MDMA, and saw that it was relatively reasonable to put some on top of a bowl and gently, manually vape the powder with the lighter. No flame contact.

The powder melted, bubbled, and soaked into the bud.

We. Got. Fucking. Blasted.

Each hit felt like my peak did earlier in the night. Each hit was a new peak. I can't remember how long the feeling lasted, but however long it was, it wasn't enough.

We wanted more.

We went through all 10 pills by the time it was noon the next day.

Then we were zombies. We were completely dead. Emotions were numb, nothing mattered...nothing. My grandmother could have been shot in front of me and I wouldn't have gave a shit.

We found out 2 months later that the blue stars we got were mostly meth.

I've never done it since, but overall it was a very nice experience.

This was 5+ years ago.
>> No. 1164
I like how everybody always says the color and stamp of the E they took, like that means anything, as if color and stamp are markers for the composition and origin of the pill. I mean, it's not like there's some contraband manufacturer's quality control standard, or even a code of honor. For some reason though, people act like color and stamp are registered and enforced trademarks belonging to particular makers of E.
Not tryin' to rag on you. I just think it's hilarious how much stock people put into that shit.
Anybody can buy a pill machine though, and if I were a maker of E who was looking to unload my product, you can bet that I'd color and stamp my shit to look JUST like whatever's rumored to be the good shit at the moment.
>> No. 1167
op here. never tried cuz my guys meth guy got busted supposedly. I was kinda disappointed but kinda glad I didn't try it I guess...if I ever do though ill be sure to post what it was like on this thread if it hasn't been deleted by then. until then,

Anyone want to keep sharing what meth is like? Like how is it that it can be so addicting? can you compare the high and feelings of meth to other drugs? Im so damn curious.
>> No. 1174
I've tried meth. It's okay but get ready for a hellish next day
>> No. 1179
my first time with meth was some bunk molly we railed .even though molly is my favorite, it wasnt a bad high. didnt have any weird come downs other then some puking and making those freaky jawing faces

did it again last night but i knew it was meth and chose to snort a little bit at a time.It was amazing but i wasted it super connsentrating on one reeealy long fourum post for hours before deciding at five in the morning i didnt even wanna respond anymore. you'll find the sun comes up without you nodding off at all. food is laughable until maybe the dinner after the next, youll forget water is even a thing so keep it handy you wot even realize how dry your mouth is until your tongue crumbles like sand. the high lasts a WHILE your first good time, mine lasting ..ill guess 16 hours and i only crushed a rock the size of a sunflower seed kernal . so make sure youll be free from responsibilities/visitors for maybe two days. Like, im off the high but the body stretching/jawing is still noticeable. the puking can kinda suck if your a pussy like me- youll also get sudden nausea spells that can be pretty intense. lay down and it passes.
So far i can say i DEFIANTLY want more but its pretty easy to forget/ignore for a bit..but then you think "well damnit id sure like to be fucked up again.." but again, it's better to know allot of withdrawls is your head along with how easily you get addictied to drugs. if you can say 'i am aware im wanting more but i can NOT have it' it can discipline you and it helps. mind over matter or whatever.
I am weak to drugs and get addicted super easily. Fent was the worst drug i ever did in terms of how addicting/awful for you it is. I got hooked and got off but it was a weeklong hell i get sick even thinking about. i can say for me this is a walk in the park compared to fent withdrawals.

this is my second night in a row awake though. I feel achey, but not really tired...deff make sure you have weed for the weird finger movements/sick feeling/anythinng.
all in all it varies but for me i tottaly get why it's such aa big deal. it's awesome- but it WILL fuck you up. if you rail it do small lines at a time
(youll have to, shit burns to your fuckin soul and your eyes are gonna water)

stay safe, swim with a buddy be aware of your hygiene.
take a shower the next day it feels AMAZING
>> No. 1180
File 141464903642.gif - (1.98MB , 300x176 , 1404877291181.gif )
my first time with meth was some bunk molly we railed .even though molly is my favorite, it wasnt a bad high. didnt have any weird come downs other then some puking and making those freaky jawing faces

did it again last night but i knew it was meth and chose to snort a little bit at a time.It was amazing but i wasted it super connsentrating on one reeealy long fourum post for hours before deciding at five in the morning i didnt even wanna respond anymore. you'll find the sun comes up without you nodding off at all. food is laughable until maybe the dinner after the next, youll forget water is even a thing so keep it handy you wot even realize how dry your mouth is until your tongue crumbles like sand. the high lasts a WHILE your first good time, mine lasting ..ill guess 16 hours and i only crushed a rock the size of a sunflower seed kernal . so make sure youll be free from responsibilities/visitors for maybe two days. Like, im off the high but the body stretching/jawing is still noticeable. the puking can kinda suck if your a pussy like me- youll also get sudden nausea spells that can be pretty intense. lay down and it passes.
So far i can say i DEFIANTLY want more but its pretty easy to forget/ignore for a bit..but then you think "well damnit id sure like to be fucked up again.." but again, it's better to know allot of withdrawls is your head along with how easily you get addictied to drugs. if you can say 'i am aware im wanting more but i can NOT have it' it can discipline you and it helps. mind over matter or whatever.
I am weak to drugs and get addicted super easily. Fent was the worst drug i ever did in terms of how addicting/awful for you it is. I got hooked and got off but it was a weeklong hell i get sick even thinking about. i can say for me this is a walk in the park compared to fent withdrawals.

this is my second night in a row awake though. I feel achey, but not really tired...deff make sure you have weed for the weird finger movements/sick feeling/anythinng.
all in all it varies but for me i tottaly get why it's such aa big deal. it's awesome- but it WILL fuck you up. if you rail it do small lines at a time
(youll have to, shit burns to your fuckin soul and your eyes are gonna water)

stay safe, swim with a buddy be aware of your hygiene.
take a shower the next day it feels AMAZING
>> No. 1181
>> No. 1182
end of day three now and holy shit every muscle is screaming at me. like theyre so stiff and tight i got exhausted vacuuming and had to lay down. i get the 'man i know id feel better with more junk' vibes but theyre easy to push away since this is a one time thing and i dont even BEGIN to know how to get it myself, which is helpful cuz theres no temptation of getting more (it'd be silly to go crazy for more when you KNOW you can't so just push through that mess).
so all in all anon id say if you're strong enough then it's alright, just have a heating pad or some pain pills for the soreness cuz really this a cake walk aside from the aches.
food still iffy- ate a honey bun when i got up and that was six hours ago but i dont feel hungry at all...so..yeah have fun be safe.
>> No. 1183
also you wont wanna sleep even the night after, youll feel like theres no WAY you could snooze but trust me man -let your room get dark and get cozy with the tv on and a blunt in hand;youll be out so suddenly itll shock you when you find it's the next day.
but DO sleep youll need it. dont take sleeping pills , let your body settle passively. tried to give you as much info as i could so
>tl:dr do it just don't be gross about it
>> No. 1224
File 144023430761.jpg - (104.13KB , 600x600 , limbo.jpg )
hey op here. i never tried it. got offered to buy a g of it at my new job for 50 but i turned it down. Hey man thank you for all the info about the drug. i hope youre doing alright. if you get the chance update this post and lemme know.

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