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1153 No. 1153
I have a question for you /regs/, but it may not sound very coherent because I'm pretty drunk right now.

Lately I've been interested in getting high in some way, other than with alcohol. I'ma tell you right now that weed is kind of out of the question. I've found that every time I smoke weed, I just end up super anxious and scared and it's generally a bad time. I can't remember the last time I had an enjoyable weed high, from start to finish. This is in part why I turned to alcohol as my drug of choice, but now that's not really cutting it either. Around when I turned 21 and was all stoked on being able to get intoxicated legally, I had a few pretty fun nights of getting wasted and doing whatever. Now, mere months later, being drunk has lost its novelty and it's really just something I do if the only alternative is being bored on the computer at night.

What I'm interested in doing right now is tripping. However, like I said, I have pretty bad anxiety and I really don't want to aggravate that in the same way that weed does. What drugs would you recommend for me, /regs/? I'm in contact with this dude from school who I know could hook me up with shrooms, but I'm not sure how intense/manageable that sort of trip would be. I've heard an acid trip can last for up to 12 hours, which presents a similar problem. I've considered trying to scare up some Robitussin (the kind that won't kill me), but I'm not sure about that either. Really, I'm down for anything that will produce a weed-like high without making me anxious and paranoid.

tl;dr: I want to trip/just get high and chilled out, but alcohol is getting boring and my anxiety prevents me from smoking weed.
>> No. 1154
If you get anxious just smoking weed, I don't think there's much hope in finding the "right" substance for you. On general principle, I'd say that a person should develop a healthy mental state before getting wrapped up in any kind of drugs anyway, otherwise it just leads to using those drugs as a coping mechanism. You should probably work on whatever it is about your life that's got you so anxious, find some balance and harmony, and THEN worry about what drug sounds appealing.

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