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1040 No. 1040
So like, I was wondering if anyone else has experienced a state of hypersensitivity and self-consciousness from smoking weed. I'm 21 and only started smoking last year, I have had hasish in brownies before when I was like 16, and I've taken LSD, MDMA, 2C-I 2C-B, mushrooms, laughing gas, ketamine, opium, cocaine, and uh.. Yeah I think that's it. I've had bad experiences for drugs, but weed is easily the drug I have to be most careful of. I can feel like people are out to get me, I can misinterpret things people say as relevant to me when they're not, and I feel like everyone is judging me. During this state I tend to feel really weak, pathetic and tired. Like I just want to close my eyes. It's more likely to occur when I'm outdoors, or with people I don't really trust, though I've had shit trigger while alone and with people I'm close to before.

Despite all that, I really like smoking weed, I feel like it gives me a deeper appreciation of life, connects me with my body and my senses, and allows me to better 'be in the moment' or 'go with the flow'. Has anyone had similar experiences, or does anyone know how to control the onset of negative emotions?
>> No. 1041
I have had simmilar feelings, I think it's something you can try to ignore and it gets better. Some people just have bad reaction to weed, maybe try getting high as FUCK alone and then meditating and doing deep rythmic controlled breathing exercises while listening to some music you've never heard before. Or get really into something, the opposite of being super meditative while extrodinadily blasted to keep your mind off of the anxiety. Think of it like working out or training yourself to not feel such effects when under extreme duress (aka being fucking stoned as a muslim girl without a burka) and then when you're smoking far less with friends it won't even be noticable. You won't die or anything silly :P
>> No. 1062
what. give me that nug right now.
>> No. 1070
I get very paranoid sometimes. Horror-trips are mostly schizophrenia and paranoia taking over. The worst thing is, once you are in schizo-land there is no easy way out, its all about how much in touch with reality you are.
>> No. 1080
Pretty sure you should stop smoking weed if you're schizophrenic. That's like the only negative effect of weed and you're just sort of living in it.

To OP, it's because the weed is making you notice problems you have in your daily life. The reason why you have that feeling from weed is because you need to make progress, maybe have more confidence and be less afraid of societal criticism. That's how it is for me anyway. Weed can make me agitated, but it only ever draws attention to problems I already have.
>> No. 1099
This sounds like me whilst sober. :c
>> No. 1156
I get super paranoid and think negative/strange things while high on weed. I used to smoke daily almost non stop. been on probation twice for getting caught with it. Stopped smoking. Life is better without it but I still miss it. If you ever have to stop smoking weed it's a pain in the ass because your dopamine is fk fried and nothing is pleasurable while sober. I think the more you smoke weed, the more the high feels normal and the more you go negative dopamine.

Weed used to be fun in high school when there wasn't really anything to worry about. I'm 20 now and I live in Texas and it fills me with lots of anxiety to even think about going to buy some.

All in all OP I suggest you don't smoke weed until it's legal/ move somewhere where it is legal....that's what i'm going to TRY to do anyway. I think this is a good idea because if it's legal, we won't have to worry about cops or people ratting or whatever. Also about people judging you, I feel that. I think that's just us being self-conscious. And that's why I prefer to vape in my room alone...that and cuz I only have "friends" when I have weed.

honestly being sober is a better lifestyle anyway. Go to school. Go to the gym. meditate. listen to digital drugs. read a book lol. These are all really easy to do without weed when you start to get some dopamine back.
Probation fucked my life up but at the same time it kinda helped pull me out of a weed hole.

Sorry if i went off topic too much >;o

oh but how I do miss me some good ol finger stickin Romulan..mmmm....

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