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File 142089512943.jpg - (33.96KB , 629x512 , 7fd12446ebbd3763337c841dd29b1275.jpg )
668 No. 668
So, I've been looking into the psychology of pyromaniacs and have gotten a basic understanding of it, but by now i'm more curious about /phi/s opinion on them, destructive pyros, or simply ones who like fire, how do they work, and why are they so much more fascinated with fire then the average person?
My theory is starting to head into the primal uses, fire is one of the best cools in human history
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>> No. 669
Huge difference between pyromania and pyrophilia. To which do you refer?
>> No. 670
Pyromania would probably fit best
>> No. 671
File 142089564099.jpg - (4.40KB , 153x153 , bazinga.jpg )
I like fire..I like to burn things. Would you like to get together and have some coffee OP. We could talk about fire and maybe burn a few things.
>> No. 672
I would like that stranger from the internet, as I to, like to light things on fire
>> No. 673
Yes, pyromania is a beautiful way of life. Just this morning I set a preschool on fire, what a way to start your day.
>> No. 675
File 142163869622.jpg - (83.34KB , 300x300 , Def_Leppard_-_Pyromania.jpg )
There was a point in my life when I was really into the idea of arson, but it turned out that I was actually into pyromania. The common distinction (I read this a long time ago so it probably isn't accurate) is that pyromaniacs stay around to watch the fires they set, while arsonists flee since their only goal is destruction.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself a pyromaniac, but fire is really pleasing to my senses, with bigger fires being more pleasing. While candles are pretty boring, the roar and swirling tongues of a large fire are pretty hypnotic, and when I'm around a campfire I like to be right on the edge of burning to feel the heat, since you can't really get that sensation anywhere else. Fire also brings back really good memories for me (I wonder if there is a higher incident rate of pyromania among former boy scouts). One of the highlights of high school for me was watching a neighbor's house burn down, and while burnt wreckage isn't necessarily exciting, the progression of something burning is usually cool.

I don't know why you are looking for opinions about a disorder on a philosophy board, but while I'm not a pyromaniac, I can understand how somebody could be so attracted to fire that they are unable to control the urge to start fires.

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