No. 616
While your opinion of it may differ, I'm pretty sure that your definition of femininity actually conforms to the tumblr crowd's definition. On the numerous continua by which they define themselves, femininity and masculinity (which I believe exists, though it isn't exactly "manliness") exist on a scale separate from gender, sex, and orientation. By separating the concept of femininity from gender (sex?) and its association with women, these people eliminate the conflict between the feminist movement and it's increasingly non-feminine nature.
The issue with this new definition of femininity, as with many things within the tumblr hugbox, is that it is redefining a word in a manner such that it has nothing to do with its original meaning (or the criteria upon which we previously defined something as "feminine"), yet it retains the same usage. While it might not be possible to be born feminine, you can certainly be born with traits, such as a high voice and thin shoulders, that are associated with women and therefore the popular definition of femininity. By separating femininity from female traits, the word essentially becomes useless. If you've ever judged whether a trap/tranny is "passable", you are evaluating how feminine they are i.e. How much they conform to the traits of their chosen gender. The move to redefine femininity by separating it from gender is an attempt by the tumblr crowd to remove a means of criticism. If we can't evaluate femininity on a basis of gender conformity, then trans identities can become self validated ("I'm a girl because I say I am, even though I have a beard and dick!").
It is worrisome that these people seek to control thought by redefining common words to fit their agendas. See for example how x-ism went from something that one actively says or does to something that one perceives, so now people can claim discrimination even if there was no offending action. Perhaps I am straying from the topic, but from my point of view there is so much wrong/irrational about these new movements and seemingly nothing that can be done about it. I don't believe in any of the gender continuum bs et al., and honestly I think that transgendered people are mentally ill, but with the sea change in popular opinion regarding these topics, such discussions are best kept to anonymous imageboards.