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571 No. 571
I am trying to find a worldview of my own (or rather, further define it), and I am as such reading up on philosophies. I have somewhat of obsession with the ancient Greeks. Constant self-improvement is something I highly idealize, and philosophies that deal with this are of my interest.

While I find the Stoic worldview interesting, admirable and agreeable, I cannot agree with the excessive use of such a vague term as "nature". I also disagree with the dualist ideas they had, although I imagine that the dualist view was probably a result of the times (and that given the modern knowledge, they would perhaps view the mind as part of nature rather than extranatural). They seemed not to go overboard with asceticism either, rather focusing on the emotional implications of being "passionate".
>> No. 574
The issue with basing your worldview upon ancient philosophies is that you risk having an antiquated view of the world. Since most ancient philosophies were based upon observation, their conclusions come from a world very different from ours, making them antiquated or just plain wrong. In this sense, a philosophy which tries to explain observable or physical phenomena is much less likely to have any lasting impact (sorry Pythagoreanism) than one which deals with logic and ethics. Maybe I am just dissing metaphysics but I'm not too worried about that.

Stoicism is pretty cool though, it certainly makes some valid ethical and logical points, but don't lose sleep because you don't agree with their scientific ideas and definition of nature. Remember, it's *your* worldview, don't feel the need to commit to a school.
>> No. 575
I like Xunzi, not because he inspired me to espouse his philosophy, but because my personal philosophy coincidentally has many overlaps with his.

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