No. 526
Getting someone to do your essays equals plagiarizing, which can have serious consequences depending on your institution. So basically just writing some bullshit barely coherent scramble is better then buying a decent one, at least in my view.
Also, lmao at the Germans, one minister plagiarized his Ph.D. thesis. I mean come on, I can sort of understand it for a random term paper or essay, but your goddamn thesis? Believing that that shit won't get checked out is just blind stupidity.
Probably can't help OP anymore, but 1000 words on each of those topics is ridiculously easy. That is, we are talking about an entire branch of philosophy and one of the most influential philosopher there has ever been, which equals lots of shit to just copy-paste from your textbook(s). In your own words, of course, you know what the deal is.
What I'd do is just give an broad description of the development of metaphysics from Plato and Aristotle through Descartes to Kant and Hegel, gloss over the existentialists and then describe the declining interest during the late 19th and 20th centuries, and end with a pointer or two of the current status.
Another aspect would be to describe what metaphysics is, namely it's various subfields such as ontology and epistemology. Then on each give a couple of major theories throughout the times.
With Marx you could either talk about his philosophy, the material dialectic or w/e, and gloss over its impact, or focus on the impact and gloss over the philosophy part. The impact naturally being communism in its various forms, and do bring up the ways in which different communist ideologies differ from Marx's original thoughts, for extra points.