No. 189
what 52 said,
>>Just because someone doesn't know something doesn't prove that they don't have the capacity to learn or understand it.
but the action of being an asshole or wierd is being wierd or an asshole regardless of who it is. If they try to make amends for whatever then they are not.
actions are only neutural, and to understand what someone's mental capacity based on actions they do without realizing, then im sure everyone is lacking somewhere in the "mental capacity" department
people do what they do for their own reasons at the time , and if it turns out to be weird or assholish to others then that is only the opinion of the one viewing the action.
yet the capacity to see things from different viewpoints is a stretch for a lot of people.
one cannot know the experiences of another how they experience them, we can only know our own.
so if there a asshole there an asshole but you cant make any truths about the assumptions of others in things you could never understand