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File 132701419279.jpg - (80.21KB , 492x559 , retard-baby.jpg )
51 No. 51
Let's say someone acts like an asshole (or weird or mean or any way socially unacceptable) without realizing it, people see it as their fault. Now let's say that same situation happened with a mentally handicapped, he gets a free-pass because he doesn't have the mental capacity to see what he's doing isn't accepted. If both don't realize it they both don't "have the mental capacity" to.
>> No. 52
But the said asshole does have the capacity to understand he's being an asshole, that's why he's an asshole and the retard isn't. Just because someone doesn't know something doesn't prove that they don't have the capacity to learn or understand it.
>> No. 54
Let's say that because of this person's ego they just can't accept it. Them? Do something wrong? NEVER! They can't comprehend that they would be in the wrong because they are so egotistical and it's still their fault, it's not "just how they are made"
>> No. 60
Most of the time you hear retards have the mind of a 5 year old or something in that range and you don't see kids acting like this. It seems like their parents just feel bad for having a retarded child and think it's the best to not even try to educate him/her at least a little bit and just blame the bad behavior on the retardation. And for "normal" assholes: If they never realized that other people see their behavior as assholeish how should they know that society around them expects them to act different?
>> No. 126
If you tried to educated a guy that looks like OP's pic you may risk that he may start to understand his life is fucked up and he will never have sex with a hot female, or just attract the average ones. Better live in ignorance.
>> No. 140
OP, it doesn't matter who is the asshole and who is the retard.

It is your responsibility to stay away from them, not to draw distinctions between the two.
>> No. 157
Same for dogs being put down when they get "dangerous", but not the mentally handicapped...
>> No. 187
I personally believe that anyone who feels sorry for another or feels pity is showing a form of arrogance, defined by an assumation and implication that they're superior to the retard in question, so it seems like a question of capacity; the asshole is assumed to have the capacity to be a gent and not say things other people will alow themselves to get upset over, while the menticapped person is assumed to not have that capacity at all
>> No. 188
187 here, 52 already said everything i did in a better way, up to and including using the word capacity
>> No. 189
what 52 said,
>>Just because someone doesn't know something doesn't prove that they don't have the capacity to learn or understand it.

but the action of being an asshole or wierd is being wierd or an asshole regardless of who it is. If they try to make amends for whatever then they are not.

actions are only neutural, and to understand what someone's mental capacity based on actions they do without realizing, then im sure everyone is lacking somewhere in the "mental capacity" department

people do what they do for their own reasons at the time , and if it turns out to be weird or assholish to others then that is only the opinion of the one viewing the action.

yet the capacity to see things from different viewpoints is a stretch for a lot of people.

one cannot know the experiences of another how they experience them, we can only know our own.

so if there a asshole there an asshole but you cant make any truths about the assumptions of others in things you could never understand

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