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File 137457562828.jpg - (25.15KB , 600x218 , petrodollar-explained.jpg )
500 No. 500
The Petrodollar is the lifeblood of our nation's strength and essential for the maintenance of our global peacekeeping capacity along with our national survival.

The Obama administration has done too little to protect the status of the USD as the world reserve currency therefore we the people of the United States of America demand that the Obama administration set the protection of the petrodollar above all other foreign and domestic concerns.

We demand that the Obama administration punish any nation who tries to subvert the Petrodollar monopoly on oil transaction with force if necessary. This includes:

1) Demand that Iran, Venezuela, and Syria all sell, and continue to sell, oil in USD.

2) Declare war on any non-EU nation which chooses to sell petroleum in Euros.


Sign this petition and spread it like AIDS (except without the gay sex).

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>> No. 501
Fuck you, yankee shithead

Down with the US government
>> No. 502
Savage foreigner
>> No. 503
So you're explicitly advocating starting any number of wars because of oil?

Get the fuck out.
>> No. 504
I can't tell if you're fucking crazy or just trolling

On this board its about a 50-50 chance

'Murkkkan here
>> No. 505
Unless this thread is intended to display the utter fallacy of the Dubya administration's method of keeping the economy afloat until it can bugger the fuck out and blame shit on the next guy, I say to you: Lol, good sir.
>> No. 506
I don't understand why the OP has been met with such disdain. Currency and resources have been the cause of most wars throughout human history, and will continue to be so until we develop a perpetual motion machine.

The OP is entirely right, he may have presented his argument in an idiotic way, but saying "let's go to war to make our quality of life better" is a valid argument that has been used countless times across the world.
>> No. 507
It's dumb for pretty obvious reasons. Yeah, people have warred for these reasons before, but it almost never ends with the aggressing party really becoming more prosperous as a result. 10 years of war have certainly taught us that it doesn't exactly bring ideal results.

But in a broader sense, it's still dumb because there's no such thing as just invading one country in Europe anymore. You'd also be going to war with all their allies, and your own allies aren't going to rush to your defense when they don't see their national interest in it, and might even join the other side. As high and mighty as we see ourselves here in the US, we would not win a full-scale war with the entire continent of Europe, and nuclear war in such a scenario would almost be inevitable, and if doesn't happen it means we would be invaded and defeated.

The most prudent move in this scenario is quite simple: get less dependent on oil. If one country buying oil in a different currency is such an incredible threat to our country, then we need to make it so that it's not a colossal threat, and in the process of becoming more energy independent, we can become a stronger nation, rather than one that has to invade and conquer in order to stay afloat due to internal weakness and an inability to address these problems.
>> No. 508

Are you serious? War pretty much always ends with the victor becoming much more prosperous. It's how virtually every empire in history has funded its existence. Find a nation smaller than you, go in and take their stuff. End. That's why empires inevitably fall, they need growth to live, and eventually become too big to administer successfully.

You seem to be referring to modern wars, which almost always involve "peacekeeping" in some form. That is not the kind of war the OP is advocating. Think of colonial Britain - were their declarations of war to seek out and eradicate terrorism? Or were they to conquer, rule and plunder the target nation? Can you see the difference between say the British invading India, taking their land and spices, selling them for profit and imposing hefty sea trade tariffs and America sending soldiers to the middle east to track and kill terrorists?

War makes the world poorer, but it makes the victors richer.

I don't think the OP advocates going to war with any EU nation. In fact he specifically states "non-EU." I could be wrong, but that's the way I'm reading it.

As for your point about the US not winning a war against all of Europe, without armchair generaling here, consider that the US is about the same size as Europe, and has a military budget of $680bn/yr, compared to the top 4 EU countries which total 200bn/yr together. Then remember that 4 different countries with 4 different styles of military drill with 4 different languages can never be as effective as a single culturally cohesive entity.

I'm not saying the OP is right at all, in fact I agree with you that the US and the world in general should become less dependent on fossil fuels, but I do stand by my point that the OP shouldn't be dismissed just because you don't like the style of what he has to say.
>> No. 509
File 139113212316.png - (31.39KB , 846x494 , I AM ARGUING ON THE INTERNET LOOK AT ME.png )
>> No. 510
I feel like raising hell on the issue is only going to reduce our political capital. We can get away with this because only crazy people like Iran are asking for it. But a reactionary backlash in the States could have unintended results. This petition is stupid.
>> No. 533
Heh, even better would be a return to bretton woods. Fixed pegs just semt inflation to other countries.

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