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496 No. 496
everytime i read the papers, especially about politics i get a panic attack which is hard for me, because i want to read that shit. also nightmares constantly about war and massive surpression, using humans as guinea pigs and so forth. So I basically cannot process politics very well. do you have such problems? how do you cope with that? i always get that feeling when its about politics/world situation, thats why i post it here. pls move if its inapropriate. thanks.
>> No. 497
>do you have such problems?
No, because I know that things aren't as terribly bad as your paranoid and misinformed mind makes them out to be
>how do you cope with that?
I try to be as informed and educated as possible
>> No. 498
You're transferring the concepts of tyranny and oppression from abstract to actual in your mind.

I don't want to comment on the actual veracity of your beliefs because I believe doing so would provoke a heated discussion about the state of the union and doing so would be counter-productive. Instead, I want to explain to you why your cognition is faulty.

First, you are effectively trying to predict the future. You cannot do this. Anything you think you know about the future is wrong. Things change in an instant, a single errant neutrino could kill the next Hitler without anyone even knowing. Granted the odds are astronomical, but you get the idea, now apply it to planes, trains and automobiles. Similarly, the same could happen to the next Ghandi or Mother Teresa. You just don't know.

You're assuming your opinions are facts, or worse you're assuming the opinions you read in the news are facts. The next time you read something about how Obama is the anti-christ and is literally waiting for you to leave the house so he can steal your guns, read an "everything is ok" newspaper for a different perspective on the same story. Unless you directly know of some secret society or group that is actively plotting to destroy western civilisation from within, don't believe it. Just because Alex Jones once met a guy at a bus stop who knows someone who said he saw Keith Alexander's super secret world domination plans doesn't mean it's true.

You are experiencing a phenomenon known as world narrowing. What that means is that you are slowly and subconsciously isolating your focus, resulting in you seeing mountains instead of molehills. For instance, talk to any neo-nazi skinhead and they will tell you that jews are the problem with the world, because they honestly believe that because all their friends do, which results in them seeing every news article in the light of "jews are bad." Similarly, talk to any anti-fa member and they will tell you that skinheads are the cause of all the world's problems for the same reason. Talk to a vegetarian, they blame meat eaters, talk to the greens, they blame big oil, talk to a democrat they blame gun nuts, talk to a republican and they blame statists. The solution to this is simple - find other hobbies. If you enjoy nothing but reading the news and posting on obscure imageboards, you will see the world through a depressed pair of eyes. If you enjoy several hobbies such as playing an instrument, socialising, attending sports games as a player or spectator, studying Shakespeare or jacking off, the news will seem much less important to you.

Finally I want to say that there's nothing wrong with the way you feel. You're experiencing basic physiological changes in your body in response to a perceived threat. What is happening to you is no different than what happens to people who suffer anxiety when they go outside, but your trigger is different. Stop reading the news and take up some hobbies. Expand your life, make it more interesting, then when you do happen to glance at a paper it won't seem like such a big deal. These changes take time, you won't notice them until one day you find yourself reading about China invading Japan and making a racist joke to your friend instead of worrying about the consequences.

Good luck.
>> No. 530
The brain is the biggest danger to brains.

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