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File 13249605106.jpg - (283.50KB , 1280x960 , whattheshit.jpg )
4 No. 4
if all the threads are gone, were they ever here?
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>> No. 6
They were once, but now they are gone.
>> No. 9
Do you mean where are they now? That's a slightly more interesting question, anyway.

The answer is that they don't exist in a physical form, and I suppose that they never did. So they can't 'go' anywhere because they have no volume and so take up no space in which to change for new space.
>> No. 12

Memory could be considered space.
The threads took up bandwidth and memory in the cyberspace, and they must have been stored in a server somewhere that took up physical space.
>> No. 15
But if I remember them, do they still exist?
>> No. 18
Maybe you created those thoughts and memories out of desperation or in a time of boredom.
You constantly lied to yourself making them seem as if they were real when in fact they were never there.
The boards may have never existed even if they were visible, they were just a creation made by you to lure yourself into a euphoric coma.
>> No. 20
Your ideas exist. One of the qualities of the threads were that they could be experienced directly by others, however, and since I can't experience your ideas directly they can't be one in the same with the threads.
>> No. 151
File 132977594132.gif - (196.83KB , 250x188 , tumblr_lwhnjycKEZ1qe6y2wo1_250.gif )
The question is if it matters.
a man could have gotten killed where Im sitting and it doesnt matter unless Im going to do something about it.
Information is useless unless you use it.
Everyone talks about the meaning of life, but what will they do with it?
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